How Much Delay of iOS Push Notification

How much delay of ios push notification?

Push notifications are unreliable and cannot be guaranteed that they have been delivered. It all depends on the apple APNS server, that said, usually when I send a push notification I get the result in under a few seconds.

More Information:

They are not reliable! There is no guarantee that push notifications will actually be delivered, even if the APNS server accepted them.

As far as your server is concerned, push notifications are fire-and-forget; there is no way to find out what the status of a notification is after you’ve sent it to APNS. The delivery time may also vary, from seconds up to half an hour.

Also, the user’s iPhone may not be able to receive push notifications all the time. They could be on a WiFi network that does not allow connections to be made to APNS because the required ports are blocked. Or the phone could be turned off.

APNS will try to deliver the last notification it received for that device when it comes back online, but it will only try for a limited time. Once it times out, the push notification will be lost forever!


Push Notifications take too long to arrive

Normally push notifications do arrive quite quickly. But there are some rare cases where we've seen them get delayed:

Delays for notifications on Android Devices:

  1. Some home and commercial wifi routers will cause the device's connection to Google's GCM servers to be closed. The device later re-opens the connection and receives the delayed notifications. (Discussed here:!topic/android-gcm/Y33c9ib54jY)

  2. Some custom versions of the Android OS have a power-saving setting that can cause notifications to be delayed or ignored. For instance, Sony Xperia devices have a "Stamina Mode". (Discussed here:

  3. Some Android devices can enter a low power mode when their battery is low that may cause slight delays in receiving notifications.

Delays for notifications on iOS devices:

  1. When sending notifications to a device build with a development provisioning profile, Apple's APNS servers may sometimes be less fast or reliable. You can compare a version of your app built with an AdHoc provisioning profile and a production push certificate to see if it works better. In the near future, Apple will be changing the way this system works so this problem will go away.

  2. As with Android, some wifi routers will cause iOS notification delivery delays.

  3. Notifications may be delayed if "Restrict background data" is checked for the app, if Wifi-Optimization is turned on in the advanced settings, or if priority mode is enabled.

WhatsApp has a good list of instructions on troubleshooting delayed Android and iOS notification at the bottom of their FAQ page here:

Overall, the above problems are rare and almost all users will receive notifications promptly. However for your specific use case you may find Text Messages to be a more reliable tool.

Significant push notification delay

It happens but not usual, push notifications is unreliable and it is not guaranteed of delivery according to apple:

Delivery of notifications is a “best effort”, not guaranteed. It is
not intended to deliver data to your app, only to notify the user that
there is new data available.

check this question: How much delay of ios push notification?

Delay a repeated User Notification on iOS

As per the many discussions on the subject on SO, this is not possible.

You can create a certain number of local notifications for specific dates in a for loop, the limit is 50 per application I believe - and then when the app opens in the foreground AFTER 3 days you will have a chance to remove them and use the repeating notifications.

Its not the most elegant solution but if you MUST do this, then it's the only way and it should be enough, if the user doesn't open the app within the 50 days or so of queued notifications they probably won't open it again anyway.

The initial manual setup for the 3 days delayed offset would be like below:

for dayOffset in 3...33 {
let nextTriggerDate = .day, value: dayOffset, to: Date())!
let comps = Calendar.current.dateComponents([.year, .month, .day], from: nextTriggerDate)

let trigger = UNCalendarNotificationTrigger(dateMatching: comps, repeats: false)
// Create a notification here
// ...

It's up to you to create the logic to detect when the app is opened and it's after 3 days and repeating indefinitely.

In general you could just use this permanently as you might want to differ the notification if the user hasn't responded in a while (take DuoLingo for example after several days it goes "These notifications aren't working... we'll turn them off for a while")

Apple's APNS Delivery is Sometimes Slow

Going on some previous information in other threads, it appears that it may not be 'uncommon' if a delay occurs.

While in most cases you should expect a delivery in seconds, apparently it can be up to 30 minutes, just due to networking issues such as mobile network drop-outs and other factors.

Source: How much delay of ios push notification?
and also: Apple's APNS Docs

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