Nib But Didn't Get a Uitableview

nib but didn't get a UITableView

If you have a NIB for the UITableViewController subclass then its view outlet must be hooked up to a UITableView.

You're right to delete MainListViewController.xib and do it all in code, but the reason it didn't work for you is because the old XIB will not be deleted when you build & run. So, delete the app from the simulator and try again. It should work then.

How to fix nib but didn't get a UITableView error?

I have face same issue once upon time, and So stupid mistake it was, I have subclass the UITableViewController, where I have added UITableView in UIViewController

From your storyboard Image, it may be solved if you use UIViewController instead of UITableViewController, Just try that way can solve your issue,like

class FriendListTableViewController: UIViewController, UITableViewDataSource, UITableViewDelegate 

UITableViewController loadView loaded the xxx-view-xxx nib but didn't get a UITableView

The problem is that you dragged a table to a UIViewController instance , but you have to drag a UITableViewController from the object library ,

The root View for the tableViewController should be a UITableView not UIView like UIViewController

Sample Image

Loaded the nib but didn't get a UITableView

have you tried changing your @interface SearchViewController : UITableViewController to @interface SearchViewController : UIViewController

I strongly suspect that either you have not attached your UITableview as View in XIB or your class should be derived UIViewController instead of UITableviewController class..

Loaded the nib but didn't get a UITableView Exception

I think it's trying to tell you that you have a UITableViewController in your storyboard but the top-level view associated with that controller is not a UITableView.

nib but didn't get a UITableView using PFQueryTableViewController

Because your view controller subclasses UITableViewController (well, indirectly via PFQueryTableViewController), it expects its view property to refer to an instance of a UITableView. If you look at the object hierarchy in the storyboard scene I think you will find that the root of the scene is not a UITableView, but a UIView.

How did you add the navigation bar? The correct method is to select "embed in..." from the Editor menu in Image Builder.

loaded the PersonnalDetails nib but didn't get a UITableView

I dont know what the problem was but after restarting the XCode, everything works fine.

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