Has Anyone Found a Good Way of Using the New iOS5 Keyboard Events

Is there a way to disable undocking of the keyboard?

This is a new iPad iOS 5 only feature and you can't disable it.

Programmatically move or activate split keyboard on iPad (ios5)

I don't think it's possible. Reference: iOS 5: Any way to prevent keyboard splitting?

Although, it is possible to turn it off on YOUR device. Check out this post: Turn Off & disable Split keyboard feature on iPad.

How can I change the keyboard frame in response to a scroll event like the SMS application in iOS5?

You could do this with a UIPanGestureRecognizer. Then you can try to grab the UIWindow containing the keyboard. Since the keyboard is presented in a UIWindow, you should be able to cycle through the windows in your app and find the keyboard window. I'm not sure if you'll be able to modify it's bounds though. Worth a shot!

Looks like someone else tried this:


Here is the SO post:

iMessage Style Receding Keyboard in an iOS App

iPad split-keyboard

No clear method haven't.

i resolve this trouble in next steps:

  1. Get current orientation.
  2. If orientation is Landscape then i get height of UIKeyboardFrameEndUserInfoKey. it must equals to 216. It means keyboard is Split mode, Else not;
  3. If orientation is Portrait then i get height of UIKeyboardFrameEndUserInfoKey. it must equals to 216. It means keyboard is Split mode, Else not;

I update my gist for example. With convertRect method.

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