How to View Testflight Crash Logs

How to retrieve crash logs from TestFlight app in Pre-release testing

Ok, so I have just started getting crash reports for the app in Xcode's crash logs Organizer. This is probably because of two reasons:

  1. I installed Xcode 6.3 via the AppStore, and that fixed any bugs that might have been lying around in the 6.3 beta 4.

  2. I built the app using 6.3 and distributed it using 6.3, which adds some magic sauce. I did the distribution process exactly the same way as before, so seems the logical explanation.

However, ironically, I installed the new Crashlytics from Fabric which I have found to be really, really, really good. It has given me far more in-depth information than Apple's crash logs (your milage may vary). I'll keep using it throughout our apps development, but may then take it out once it goes into production.

Testflight Crash Reports don't show up

Here's what I see on my side for a project I recently updated and pushed onto TestFlight.

The Xcode Organizer will show a "Crashes" tab along with Archives.

And in that Crashes tab, you can choose versions to look at from a popup menu.

Crashes Appear In the Organizer

Here's more information about the Crashes organizer from Apple.

As you can see, I couldn't find a version of my app with any crashes. Not to say that my code is perfect (ha ha), but I'm not 100% certain the TestFlight crash log downloading system is foolproof. Perhaps this is the reason why so many developers choose to use more explicit Crash Reporting frameworks like Crashlytics or Fabric.

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