Delphi Xe4 iOS Can't Connect to Paserver

Delphi XE4 iOS can't connect to PAServer

Try setting a password. I have a password set on mine, and it works fine.

I don't recall anything that said you could use a blank (no) password. I would have done it if it worked.

How can i debug my DLL project with Delphi's PAServer

PAServer is not stable at this stage. It simply cannot be used. There are MANY reports about this:

PAServer can't load dyld: Library

Delphi XE5 PAServer Unauthorized user

How can i debug my DLL project with Delphi's PAServer

Delphi XE4 iOS can't connect to PAServer

Delphi Mac OS X (2021)

Solution: wait until they release something stable. (You will have to pay again, of course)

XE4 iOS app: Unable to install package. (e8008015)

I've found out what caused this. Although I had selected Debug or Release as the Target Build Type, I had not selected "Ad-hoc" under the iOS Device platform.

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