Date String to Nsdate Swift

how to convert a date string into a NSDate type swift

It is way easier for both you and the user if you let the user choose a date from a UIDatePicker. This has a lot of advantages:

  • The user don't have to type in three text fields
  • You can get the selected date via the date property. You don't need all these formatters and stuff
  • You can set a maximum date that the user can select via the maximumDate property. This way you don't have to check if it is in the future manually. Just set maximumDate to now.
  • The date picker will use different formats depending on the user's locale. You don't need to worry about it at all.

Just remember to set the datePickerMode to .date!

As for the conversion to NSDate, you can do this easily by this expression: as NSDate

If you insist on using three text fields, you can do this: dateString) as NSDate? // note that this produces an optional

Convert string to date in Swift

  • Convert the ISO8601 string to date

      let isoDate = "2016-04-14T10:44:00+0000"

    let dateFormatter = DateFormatter()
    dateFormatter.locale = Locale(identifier: "en_US_POSIX") // set locale to reliable US_POSIX
    dateFormatter.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ"
    let date =!
  • Get the date components for year, month, day and hour from the date

      let calendar = Calendar.current
    let components = calendar.dateComponents([.year, .month, .day, .hour], from: date)
  • Finally create a new Date object and strip minutes and seconds

      let finalDate =

Consider also the convenience formatter ISO8601DateFormatter introduced in iOS 10 / macOS 10.12:

let isoDate = "2016-04-14T10:44:00+0000"

let dateFormatter = ISO8601DateFormatter()
let date =!

How can I convert string date to NSDate?

try this:

let dateFormatter = NSDateFormatter()
dateFormatter.dateFormat = /* find out and place date format from
let date = dateFormatter.dateFromString(/* your_date_string */)

For further query, check NSDateFormatter and DateFormatter classes of Foundation framework for Objective-C and Swift, respectively.

Swift 3 and later (Swift 4 included)

let dateFormatter = DateFormatter()
dateFormatter.dateFormat = /* date_format_you_want_in_string from
guard let date = /* your_date_string */) else {
fatalError("ERROR: Date conversion failed due to mismatched format.")

// use date constant here

How to extract the date from Swift String as NSDate?

You have wrong Parameter passed

var dateString: String = "2017-05-04 13:46:36.0"
var dateFormatter1 = DateFormatter()
dateFormatter1.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS"
var yourDate: Date? = dateString)
dateFormatter1.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd"

Rule of Date formatter is you must set date format same like your string while you are getting date from string , if mismatch then you will get null

Swift 2

var dateString: String = "2017-05-04 13:46:36.0"
var dateFormatter1: NSDateFormatter = NSDateFormatter()
dateFormatter1.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS"
var yourDate: NSDate = dateFormatter1.dateFromString(dateString)
dateFormatter1.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd"

Convert date string to NSDate

Your date format and your time string should be same. In your case it should be like,

 let formatterJsonDate = DateFormatter()
formatterJsonDate.dateFormat = "yyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"

print( "2016-10-08 00:20:00"))

Or change dateformatter like,

  "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSSSSS"

And hh should be capital for 24 - hour format!!!! like HH!

Converting a string to NSDate in Swift

See this answer :

let myDateString = "2016-05-06T14:07:23.430Z"

let dateFormatter = NSDateFormatter()
dateFormatter.dateFormat = "yyyy-dd-MM'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z"
let dateFromString = dateFormatter.dateFromString(myDateString)

let dateFormatter1 = NSDateFormatter()
dateFormatter1.dateFormat = "MM-dd-yy H:mm"
let getDate = dateFormatter1.stringFromDate(dateFromString!)



Sample Image

Convert NSDate to Date is an optional NSDate, so you can bridge it
to an optional Date: as Date?

Then use optional binding to safely unwrap it. In your case that
could be

guard let date = as Date? else {
// date is nil, ignore this entry:

You might also want to replace

let commnt = String(describing: result.commnt)


guard let commnt = result.commnt else {
// commnt is nil, ignore this entry:

otherwise you'll get comment strings like Optional(My comment).

(Rule of thumb: String(describing: ...) is almost never what you
want, even if the compiler suggests it to make the code compile.)

Converting NSString to NSDate (and back again)

Swift 4 and later

Updated: 2018

String to Date

var dateString = "02-03-2017"
var dateFormatter = DateFormatter()

// This is important - we set our input date format to match our input string
// if the format doesn't match you'll get nil from your string, so be careful
dateFormatter.dateFormat = "dd-MM-yyyy"

//`date(from:)` returns an optional so make sure you unwrap when using.
var dateFromString: Date? = dateString)

Date to String

var formatter = DateFormatter()
formatter.dateFormat = "dd-MM-yyyy"
guard let unwrappedDate = dateFromString else { return }

//Using the dateFromString variable from before.
let stringDate: String = formatter.string(from: dateFromString)

Swift 3

Updated: 20th July 2017

String to NSDate

var dateString = "02-03-2017"
var dateFormatter = DateFormatter()
// This is important - we set our input date format to match our input string
// if the format doesn't match you'll get nil from your string, so be careful
dateFormatter.dateFormat = "dd-MM-yyyy"
var dateFromString = dateString)

NSDate to String

var formatter = DateFormatter()
formatter.dateFormat = "dd-MM-yyyy"
let stringDate: String = formatter.string(from: dateFromString)


Updated: 22nd October 2015

String to NSDate

var dateString = "01-02-2010"
var dateFormatter = NSDateFormatter()
// this is imporant - we set our input date format to match our input string
dateFormatter.dateFormat = "dd-MM-yyyy"
// voila!
var dateFromString = dateFormatter.dateFromString(dateString)

NSDate to String

var formatter = NSDateFormatter()
formatter.dateFormat = "dd-MM-yyyy"
let stringDate: String = formatter.stringFromDate(NSDate())


NSString to NSDate

NSString *dateString = @"01-02-2010";
NSDateFormatter *dateFormatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
[dateFormatter setDateFormat:@"dd-MM-yyyy"];
NSDate *dateFromString = [dateFormatter dateFromString:dateString];

NSDate convert to NSString:

NSDateFormatter *dateFormatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
[dateFormatter setDateFormat:@"dd-MM-yyyy"];
NSString *stringDate = [dateFormatter stringFromDate:[NSDate date]];
NSLog(@"%@", stringDate);

Convert NSDate to String in iOS Swift

you get the detail information from Apple Dateformatter Document.If you want to set the dateformat for your dateString, see this link , the detail dateformat you can get here
for e.g , do like

let formatter = DateFormatter()
// initially set the format based on your datepicker date / server String
formatter.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"

let myString = formatter.string(from: Date()) // string purpose I add here
// convert your string to date
let yourDate = myString)
//then again set the date format whhich type of output you need
formatter.dateFormat = "dd-MMM-yyyy"
// again convert your date to string
let myStringDate = formatter.string(from: yourDate!)


you get the output as

Sample Image

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