Swift Numerics and Cgfloat (Cgpoint, Cgrect, etc.)

Swift numerics and CGFloat (CGPoint, CGRect, etc.)

I wrote a library that handles operator overloading to allow interaction between Int, CGFloat and Double.


As of Beta 5, here's a list of things that you currently can't do with vanilla Swift.

I suggest running the test suite with and without ScalarArithmetic just to see what's going on.

Specifying a CGRect of Int on a function header

CGRect structure can contain be of Int, Double or CGFloat.

No, it can't.

Though it's possible to initialize a CGRect structure with Int, Double or CGFloat values, internally all struct members are based on the CGFloat type.

Please see the documentation

What libraries do we need to include to use CGPoint and arc4random()?

CGPoint is defined in CoreGraphics, but will also be imported by default when importing a UI library like UIKit or SwiftUI.

arc4random in part of Darwin (the kernel) but, again, will be imported automatically when you import an Apple framework that depends on it, like Foundation or even CoreGraphics as well.

import CoreGraphics

// ... your code here

Split the CGPoint numbers in two CGFloat

CGPoint has properties x and y:

person1 = UIImageView(frame: CGRectMake(point.x, point.y, 25, 25))

Alternatively create the CGRect directly from your point as the origin
and a given size:

person1 = UIImageView(frame: CGRect(origin: point, size: CGSize(width: 25, height: 25)))

Is there any shorthand way to write CGPoint, CGRect, etc?

As already suggested in the comments you can create your own extension.


You can add an initializer that accepts 2 CGFloat(s) and doesn't require external param names

extension CGPoint {
init(_ x: CGFloat, _ y: CGFloat) {
self.x = x
self.y = y

let point = CGPoint(1, 2)

Infix Operator

You can also define your infix operator

infix operator ° {}
func °(x: CGFloat, y: CGFloat) -> CGPoint {
return CGPoint(x: x, y: y)

let point = 1.1 ° 1.1

How to convert CGRect to CGPoint iOS Swift

You have to pass a CGPoint instead of CGFloat as below,

// set x, y as per your requirements.
let point = CGPoint(x: imgPin.frame.minX, y: imgPin.frame.minY)
let cgPoint = imgPin.convert(point, to: self.view)


You can pass the CGRect as it is and get the point as origin,

let cgPoint = v.convert(imgPin.frame, to: self.view).origin

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