Chrome iOS - Is It Just a Uiwebview

Chrome IOS - Is it just a UIWebView?

As of version 48, Chrome for iOS uses WKWebView, which is the same view used in Safari.


  • Chromium Blog
  • Ars Technica
  • VentureBeat

Difference between Chrome for iOS and Chrome for Android

After doing some more research and asking a few questions to some developers, I got my answer.
The browser, Chrome for Android makes use of the Blink engine. Chrome for iOS makes use of the WebKit engine. These are both a fork of the KHTML layout engine.

Because of the strict rules that are in place at Apple. All the browsers that are installable for iOS make use of the WebKit engine instead of the their original layout engine.

IOS UIWebview alternative - Does it have a webkit browser we can use as a webview different than Safari?

Your question touches on something deeply fundamental in Apple's entire iOS strategy:

At least not yet. Even Google had to rely on embedding the standard (albeit tweaked) UIWebView to implement Chrome for iOS. We can expect Apple to be very reluctant to allow this since allowing other web renderers (possibly even with alternative JS implementations, e.g. V8) kind of breaks Apple's monopoly on control of the development environment for iOS. Allowing an alternative would essentially mean allowing an alternative runtime getting a foothold on the platform.

Although me personally, I think they will have a hard time in the long run to keep this level of purity.

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