Editing Screenshots in Itunes Connect After iOS App Was Approved

Editing screenshots in iTunes Connect after iOS app was approved

Apple support now got back with the (somehow not too satisfactory) answer:

If your app is currently for sale on
the App Store, you will need to submit
an update in order to change your app

If you have any further questions
regarding this, please let us know.

Editing screenshots in iTunes Connect after iPhone app is in Pending Release

You can only edit / change your screenshots (app name, description, keywords) when the app is in an "editable" version: https://developer.apple.com/library/content/documentation/LanguagesUtilities/Conceptual/iTunesConnect_Guide/Chapters/ChangingAppStatus.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40011225-CH30-SW23

Mainly these are:

  • Prepare for Submission
  • Waiting for Review (Some are locked)
  • Waiting for Export Compliance
  • Rejected
  • Metadata Rejected
  • Developer Rejected
  • Invalid Binary

You can either reject your own approved version or release it and update it with a new version.

Editing Screenshots iTunes Connect for Approved App

Yes, if you have 5 images, you have to delete one first. It's the same when you upload your app and add screenshots for the first time.

Change screenshots of app after submission

Even more recently (who knows when...) apparently you can change screenshots again while the app is waiting for review.

More recently (2015 or earlier), you cannot change screenshots even while your app is "waiting for review."

You are not allowed to change them after the app has been approved so be quick. See this news release by Apple:

This move is thought to be a way to deter spammers from posting a fake app and then changing the screenshot to mimic an existing popular app.

Can I submit iPhone X screenshots to the App Store now?


Sample Image

iPhone X screenshot support in iTunes Connect.
October 27, 2017
You can now upload screenshots for iPhone X. You’ll see a new tab for 5.8-inch displays under Screenshots and App Previews on your iOS app version information page.

Note that iPhone X screenshots are optional and cannot be used for smaller devices sizes. 5.5-inchdisplay screenshots are still required for all apps that run on iPhone.

iPhone X Screenshot Resolutions
1125 by 2436 (Portrait)
2436 by 1125 (Landscape)

Learn more about uploading screenshots in iTunes Connect Developer Help.

Learn about updating apps for iPhone X.

Source: - iTunes-partner

Edit details in itunes connect

Yes, you can. Most metadata can also be changed beyond the point of AppStore approval.

Editable beyond approval are:

  • Description
  • (Whats new in this Version)
  • Support URL
  • Marketing URL
  • Privacy Policy URL

Editable before approval are:

  • all of the above
  • Screenshots

Uploading new screenshots to iTunes Connect

Seems like Apple can't make up their mind what they want to allow. Originally, you couldn't and then they changed it to allow you to change them and now you can't change them anymore.

Here's the relevant section of the documentation:

Important: Screenshots are locked for all apps except Newsstand apps.
Newsstand apps are able to change their screenshots without creating a
new version of the app.

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