Changing Icon Per Day

Change app icon every day

You can not change the Icons on your normal Apps on iOS, but you can change them between updates.

You can change the icons of Newsstand Apps (i.e. magazine Apps inside the Newsstand), if you are making such an App.

Changing the app icon with MonoTouch every day

Changing the app icon programmatically is not allowed i am afraid. It must match the icon supplied to the App Store.

Is there any way to dynamically change an app icon like Calendar app does?

Whatever your home screen is has special hooks for whatever your calendar app is and whatever your alarm clock app is. In general, apps cannot update their icons.

What do you mean by hooks?

For example, Samsung can ship a Samsung calendar app on Samsung devices. Samsung's home screen on those same Samsung devices can have special rules for rendering an icon for Samsung's calendar app, rules that involve showing the day of the month. This is because Samsung wrote the home screen. If you install a third-party home screen, it may not do the same thing. After all, I can write a home screen in an hour or so, and I feel quite confident that I don't have to do anything special for Samsung's calendar app.

There's nothing stopping Samsung from exposing some sort of API to allow developers to hook into Samsung's home screen and notify it about this sort of thing. Whether Samsung intends for third parties to use that API, or whether it is somebody hacking into how Samsung does it for their own apps, I can't say.

(BTW, I am citing Samsung here as a possible example -- I don't know that they actually have this sort of feature, and if so on which devices they have it)

I seem to recall that somebody has a GitHub project that tries to wrap the proprietary APIs of various home screens. IIRC, some supported capabilities included either replacing the app icon or adding a badge (e.g., unread message count). However:

  • Only a small percentage of devices will support those proprietary APIs

  • Undocumented and unsupported APIs, discovered through reverse-engineering apps, are subject to change and may break in unexpected ways

I am quite certain that there is nothing in the Android SDK that supports dynamic app icons. The only thing that I know of, that people have tried, is using to have N different "activities", all pointing to the same implementation, but having different icons. Using PackageManager and setComponentEnabledSetting(), the app disables the old launcher alias and enables a different one, in hopes that home screens will pick up on this and show the new icon. A few do. Others only would find out about the change on a reboot.

To flip the problem around, I can write a home screen. Perhaps I want to offer some way for apps to change their icons on the fly, even though there are no standards for it. Perhaps I don't. Perhaps I do not intend to use icons at all, as my home screen is optimized for the visually impaired, and so it is using text-to-speech and hardware key input. It's my home screen implementation, and I can do what I want.

How can i change icon.png depending on app theme (day/night) android kotlin

The usual way is to use a night resource qualifier, so if you're using a dark theme it pulls the named resource from the equivalent night folder if it exists there.

You have three basic options with this I think:

  • just call them both logo.png, but put one version in drawable and the other in drawable-night. That way, whenever you refer to @drawable/logo it'll pull the correct version depending on the theme. If you have multiple density versions, in drawable-hdpi etc, you'll need them in drawable-night-hdpi etc. (the qualifier order matters)

  • if you're making your splash in the usual way, where you create a splash drawable with a background layer and your logo drawable on another layer, you could just make a night variant of this instead (in drawable-night). Each version can explicitly refer to logo_day or logo_night and you can just keep those PNGs in the normal drawable folder

  • or you can make a night version of your splash theme, and explicitly set the background to the dark version of your splash drawable instead. Both your splash drawables can stay in the normal drawable folder

So basically, something's gotta get a version in a night-qualified resource folder, so it can provide an alternative resource for dark mode. It's up to you which resource in that hierarchy you want to make the night version of (or you can do it for all of them if you want).

Also bear in mind that your splash theme (if you're doing it that way) follows the system's dark mode setting. If you're implementing a toggle in your app, and you set it to dark mode, the splash will still show up as the light variant if that's what the device is set to. That theme is set before your app starts and gets to work out if it should be in dark or light mode

How to create dynamic icon like calendar icon of ios 7?

You can not do this, there is no API allowing this.

Your apps icon is in your application bundle which is readonly and therefor can not be modified.

How to change flutter app icon from code?

Yes, you can change the app icon dynamically. However, only for the iOS as of now.

Package: Flutter Dynamic Icon

Sample Code:

import 'package:flutter_dynamic_icon/flutter_dynamic_icon.dart';

try {
if (await FlutterDynamicIcon.supportsAlternateIcons) {
await FlutterDynamicIcon.setAlternateIconName("photos");
print("App icon change successful");
} on PlatformException {} catch (e) {}
print("Failed to change app icon");


// set batch number
try {
await FlutterDynamicIcon.setApplicationIconBadgeNumber(9399);
} on PlatformException {} catch (e) {}

// gets currently set batch number
int batchNumber = FlutterDynamicIcon.getApplicationIconBadgeNumber();

Note: You shold check first to see if platform supports dynamic icons or not using await FlutterDynamicIcon.supportsAlternateIcons boolean check and then try to change the icons.

Office js - different icon for each taskpane

There is no way currently. I'd suggest posting a feature request for that.

Feature requests on Tech Community are considered, when the dev team go through the planning process. Use the github label: “Type: product feature request” at .

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