Carthage Build Failed Xcode 12 12A7209 Building

Carthage build failed Xcode 12 12A7209 building

This is a Carthage & Xcode 12 issue. Unfortunately at the moment there is no update from the Carthage team to address this issue. However, there is a shell script you can run to unblock you. It has worked for me. You can follow the thread on the Carthage github account.

  1. Create a shell script and place it in your Xcode project
#!/usr/bin/env bash

# Usage example: ./ build --platform iOS

set -euo pipefail

xcconfig=$(mktemp /tmp/static.xcconfig.XXXXXX)
trap 'rm -f "$xcconfig"' INT TERM HUP EXIT

# For Xcode 12 make sure EXCLUDED_ARCHS is set to arm architectures otherwise
# the build will fail on lipo due to duplicate architectures.
echo 'EXCLUDED_ARCHS__EFFECTIVE_PLATFORM_SUFFIX_simulator__NATIVE_ARCH_64_BIT_x86_64__XCODE_1200 = arm64 arm64e armv7 armv7s armv6 armv8' >> $xcconfig

export XCODE_XCCONFIG_FILE="$xcconfig"
carthage "$@"

  1. Run the script from your terminal to update your Carthage frameworks
$ ./ build --platform iOS

Your frameworks should be able to update and compile.

FYI - I did not write this script, the credit goes to

Please follow the thread here for updates on this issue.

Command /usr/bin/lipo failed with exit code 1 error

I solved this issue by changing the value of the Valid Architecture found in Project > Build Settings > Architectures from the default "armv6 armv7" to "armv7". Hope this helps.

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