How to Use Store and Use an Nsmutableattributedstring in Nsuserdefaults

How to use store and use an NSMutableAttributedString in NSUserDefaults

You have to convert your NSMutableAttributedString into NSData then you store it in NSUserDefaults.

    // Convert into NSData
let data = NSKeyedArchiver.archivedDataWithRootObject(distanceMutableAttributedString)
NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults().setObject(data, forKey: "yourStringIntoData")

// Convert your NSData to NSMutableAttributedString
let yourStringInData = NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults().objectForKey("yourStringIntoData") as? NSData
let newStr = NSKeyedUnarchiver.unarchiveObjectWithData(yourStringInData!) as? NSMutableAttributedString

// Assign it to your textView
textView.attributedText = newStr

Save & Format String using NSUserDefaults

Solution found.
Save the new text for example here

 override func touchesBegan(touches: Set<UITouch>, withEvent event: UIEvent?) {

let data = NSKeyedArchiver.archivedDataWithRootObject(textView.attributedText)
NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults().setObject(data, forKey: "sawedString")


Upload saved text when opening

override func viewDidLoad() {


if let myStringData = NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults().objectForKey("sawedString") as? NSData {
let savedString = NSKeyedUnarchiver.unarchiveObjectWithData(myStringData) as? NSAttributedString
textView.attributedText = savedString



Use the NSAttributedString instead of the NSMutableAttributedString!

Saving rich text in NSUserDefaults

SaveFBCover1 is getting an NSString from Cover1.stringValue, not an NSAttributedString, because the . It looks like your code saves that string properly, and you're probably getting the string back when you load it again, but you won't get attributes because you didn't start with an attributed string, nor did you get the attributes of the text in the text view and save them separately.

You can get an attributed string by using

SaveFBCover1 = Cover1.attributedStringValue;

However, you're going to have to do a little more work to save and load the string (not much, though). NSAttributedString isn't one of the types that you can save directly in NSUserDefaults, so you'll need to serialize it into an instance of NSData first. You can do that quite easily using an keyed archiver. Read about Keyed Archives in the Archives and Serializations Programming Guide.

Simple way to store NSMutableAttributedString in CoreData

I started using CoreText when iOS5 was out, and thus used the Core Foundation values as attributes. However I now realize that since iOS6 came out, I can now use NSForegroundColorAttributeName, NSParagraphStyleAttributeName, NSFontAttributeName, etc. in the attributes dictionary, and those keys are accompanied by objects like UIColor, NSMutableParagraphStyle, and UIFont which can be archived.

Adding NSAttributedString to CloudKit

As seen in the documentation for CKRecord, you can only store a limited set of data types. Given the possible types, your best option would be to convert the NSAttributedString to NSData. This can be done using an NSKeyedArchiver. Then when you read the data back from CloudKit, you can convert the NSData back to the original NSAttributedString using NSKeyedUnarchiver.

Please see for an answer that shows how to go back and forth between NSAttributedString and NSData. (actually that answer uses NSMutableAttributedString). And of course you would put/get the NSData into/from a CKRecord instead of NSUserDefaults.

How to store multiple NSMutableDictionarys in NSUserDefaults

This error is due to calling mutable functions in immutable objects

Userdefaults always return a immutable objects.
so make mutable when u get objects from userdefaults.

 NSMutableArray *arrayofdics = [[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] objectForKey:@"arrayofdics"] mutableCopy];

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