Can a Standard Accessory View Be in a Different Position Within a Uitableviewcell

Can a standard accessory view be in a different position within a UITableViewCell?

No, you cannot move where the accessory view is. As an alternative you can add a subview like the following;

[cell.contentView addSubview:aView];

Also, by setting the accessoryView property equal to something, the accessoryType value is ignored.

How to override accessoryView in UITableViewCell to change it's position

Based on Matt's tip the only way I found to do this was to just use my own UIImageView and use the image of my choice and then set the frame coordinates to what I needed. This allowed the accessoryView to expand. Apparently this is the only way to manipulate it.

UIImage *indicatorImage = [UIImage imageNamed:@"BV-icon_57x57"];
UIImageView *view = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage:indicatorImage];
view.frame = CGRectMake(0, 0, 100, 20);
[view setContentMode:UIViewContentModeLeft];//without this line the image will just be stretched;
cell.accessoryView = view;

Vertical center on UITableViewCell accessoryView's element

You cannot change the position of a accessoryView. Please refer to the following question:

Can a standard accessory view be in a different position within a UITableViewCell?

It is okay for you to apply transformation such as scale, and rotation to the accessory view. However, you are not able to apply translate transformation to the accessory view. For example,

switchView.transform = CGAffineTransformTranslate(CGAffineTransformMakeScale(0.5, 0.5),10,10); 

Only the scale part of the transformation is applied to the switchView. Looking through the apple documentation, I also found this following line of note:

... The accessory view appears in the right side of the cell.

I don't think apple do want you to customized the location of the accessory view. Based on your question, I also tried changing the centre and the frame of the accessoryView, I do notice that the position of the accessoryView is not moving at all.

In short, If you really want to change the size of the UISwitch and move it to the vertical align it in the table view cell, I think you have only one option: You will have to add UISwitch as a subview of the cell and then you will have to freedom to do whatever you want.

UITableViewCell accessoryType position change with cell height

I think the accessoryView is positioned so that the distance from the right, top, and bottom edges is correlated in some way, so you have to reposition it.

Probably the best way is to subclass UITableViewCell, and override the layoutSubviews method:

- (void)layoutSubviews {
[super layoutSubviews];
CGRect accessoryFrame = self.accessoryView.frame;
accessoryFrame.origin.x = <desired position here>;
self.accessoryView.frame = accessoryFrame;

set position of uitableviewcellaccessory

Set the accessoryView initial frame is affectless, it is changed any time that the cell does a layout, you need to:

- (void)layoutSubviews
[super layoutSubviews]; = CGPointMake($yourX, $yourY);

This is a simple way to set a custom position for the accessoryView that is persisted in any cell status

How to get frame of accessoryView frame in tableview cell ios swift

If you are using custom accessory view set via the cell's accessoryView property, you can get its frame using this same property. However, if you use the default accessory set via accessoryType, there's no built-in way to get its frame, but only by iterating over the cell's subviews and finding it there, it should be of UIButton class.

I'd suggest using a custom accessory view and getting its frame using the documented methods which should be safer.

Align UITableViewCell accessoryView to bottom of cell instead of middle

I found that you can subclass UITableViewCell, override layoutSubviews, and in that method, get the accessoryView and adjust its frame as desired.

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