Iphone, Obtaining a List of Countries in an Nsarray

Iphone, Obtaining a List of countries in an NSArray

Use [[NSLocale currentLocale] displayNameForKey:NSLocaleCountryCode value:countryCode] (where countryCode is an item in your list of country codes) to get the country's name in the user's current locale.

Iphone, Obtaining a List of countries from MonoTouch

Sadly a quick look shows that displayNameForKey:value: to be (currently as of 4.2.x) missing from MonoTouch (and MonoMac) bindings. I'll look into implementing it and will update this entry once done.

UPDATE : Source code to work around the missing binding

    public void DisplayCountryCodeNames ()
NSLocale current = NSLocale.CurrentLocale;
IntPtr handle = current.Handle;
IntPtr selDisplayNameForKeyValue = new Selector ("displayNameForKey:value:").Handle;
foreach (var countryCode in NSLocale.ISOCountryCodes) {
using (var key = new NSString ("kCFLocaleCountryCodeKey")) {
using (var nsvalue = new NSString (countryCode)) {
string ret = NSString.FromHandle (MonoTouch.ObjCRuntime.Messaging.IntPtr_objc_msgSend_IntPtr_IntPtr (handle, selDisplayNameForKeyValue, key.Handle, nsvalue.Handle));
Console.WriteLine ("{0} -> {1}", countryCode, ret);

Adapt to your liking and have fun with MonoTouch!

p.s. I'll update the bindings so it will be included in future releases for MonoTouch in a more proper API ;-)

How to get a list of country names based for each LocaleIdentifier?

Here is a list of locale identifiers and their country name:


Get States list of states according to selected country

You can download this sqlite file. This is a database of countries with their respective states. you can re - create a query every time the user selects a country.

NSString *queryString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"select zone_id , name from
zone where country_id = %d", countryID];

Sort countries per continent

You can use this:

private static HashMap<String,String> countryMap=new HashMap<String,String>(); 
private final static String EUROPE="E";
private final static String NORTH_AMERICA="N";
private final static String SOUTH_AMERICA="S";
private final static String AFRICA="AF";
private final static String ASIA="AS";
private final static String OCEANIA="O";
private final static String ANTARTIDA="ANT";

countryMap.put("AF", "AS");
countryMap.put("AL", "E");
countryMap.put("DE", "E");
countryMap.put("DZ", "E");
countryMap.put("AD", "E");
countryMap.put("AQ", "ANT");
countryMap.put("AG", "S");
countryMap.put("SA", "AS");
countryMap.put("AR", "S");
countryMap.put("AM", "AS");
countryMap.put("AW", "S");
countryMap.put("AU", "O");
countryMap.put("AZ", "AS");
countryMap.put("AT", "E");
countryMap.put("BS", "S");
countryMap.put("BH", "AS");
countryMap.put("BD", "AS");
countryMap.put("BB", "S");
countryMap.put("BZ", "S");
countryMap.put("BJ", "AF");
countryMap.put("BM", "S");
countryMap.put("BE", "E");
countryMap.put("BT", "AS");
countryMap.put("BE", "E");
countryMap.put("BO", "S");
countryMap.put("BW", "AF");
countryMap.put("BA", "E");
countryMap.put("BR", "S");
countryMap.put("BN", "AS");
countryMap.put("BG", "E");
countryMap.put("BF", "AF");
countryMap.put("BI", "AF");
countryMap.put("KH", "AS");
countryMap.put("CM", "AF");
countryMap.put("CA", "N");
countryMap.put("CV", "AF");
countryMap.put("BQ", "S");
countryMap.put("AF", "AS");
countryMap.put("CO", "S");
countryMap.put("KM", "AF");
countryMap.put("CG", "AF");
countryMap.put("CD", "AF");
countryMap.put("KP", "AS");
countryMap.put("KR", "AS");
countryMap.put("CR", "S");
countryMap.put("CI", "AF");
countryMap.put("HR", "E");
countryMap.put("CU", "S");
countryMap.put("CW", "S");
countryMap.put("DK", "E");
countryMap.put("DJ", "AF");
countryMap.put("DM", "S");
countryMap.put("EG", "AF");
countryMap.put("SV", "S");
countryMap.put("EC", "S");
countryMap.put("ER", "AF");
countryMap.put("SK", "E");
countryMap.put("SI", "E");
countryMap.put("ES", "E");
countryMap.put("US", "N");
countryMap.put("EE", "E");
countryMap.put("ET", "AF");
countryMap.put("FJ", "O");
countryMap.put("PH", "AS");
countryMap.put("FI", "E");
countryMap.put("FR", "E");
countryMap.put("GA", "AF");
countryMap.put("GM", "AF");
countryMap.put("GE", "E");
countryMap.put("GH", "AF");
countryMap.put("GI", "E");
countryMap.put("GD", "S");
countryMap.put("GL", "N");
countryMap.put("GP", "S");
countryMap.put("GF", "S");
countryMap.put("GU", "AF");
countryMap.put("GT", "S");
countryMap.put("GG", "E");
countryMap.put("GN", "AF");
countryMap.put("GW", "AF");
countryMap.put("GQ", "AF");
countryMap.put("GY", "S");
countryMap.put("HT", "S");
countryMap.put("HN", "S");
countryMap.put("HN", "E");
countryMap.put("IE", "AS");
countryMap.put("BV", "ANT");
countryMap.put("CX", "O");
countryMap.put("HM", "ANT");
countryMap.put("AF", "O");
countryMap.put("IM", "E");
countryMap.put("RE", "AF");
countryMap.put("KY", "S");
countryMap.put("CC", "O");
countryMap.put("CK", "O");
countryMap.put("FO", "E");
countryMap.put("GS", "ANT");
countryMap.put("FK", "S");
countryMap.put("MP", "O");
countryMap.put("MH", "O");
countryMap.put("UM", "O");
countryMap.put("PN", "S");
countryMap.put("SB", "O");
countryMap.put("TC", "S");
countryMap.put("VG", "S");
countryMap.put("VI", "S");
countryMap.put("ID", "AS");
countryMap.put("IR", "AS");
countryMap.put("IQ", "AS");
countryMap.put("IE", "E");
countryMap.put("IS", "E");
countryMap.put("IL", "AS");
countryMap.put("IT", "E");
countryMap.put("IN", "AS");
countryMap.put("JM", "S");
countryMap.put("JP", "AS");
countryMap.put("JE", "E");
countryMap.put("JO", "AS");
countryMap.put("KZ", "AS");
countryMap.put("KE", "AF");
countryMap.put("KG", "AS");
countryMap.put("KI", "O");
countryMap.put("KW", "AS");
countryMap.put("LA", "AS");
countryMap.put("LV", "E");
countryMap.put("LR", "AF");
countryMap.put("LI", "E");
countryMap.put("LT", "E");
countryMap.put("LB", "AS");
countryMap.put("LY", "AF");
countryMap.put("LU", "E");
countryMap.put("MK", "E");
countryMap.put("MG", "AF");
countryMap.put("MW", "AF");
countryMap.put("MV", "AS");
countryMap.put("ML", "AF");
countryMap.put("MT", "E");
countryMap.put("MA", "AF");
countryMap.put("MQ", "S");
countryMap.put("MU", "AF");
countryMap.put("MR", "AF");
countryMap.put("YT", "AF");
countryMap.put("MX", "N");
countryMap.put("FM", "O");
countryMap.put("MZ", "AF");
countryMap.put("MD", "E");
countryMap.put("MN", "AS");
countryMap.put("ME", "E");
countryMap.put("MS", "S");
countryMap.put("MC", "E");
countryMap.put("MM", "AS");
countryMap.put("NA", "AF");
countryMap.put("NR", "O");
countryMap.put("NP", "AS");
countryMap.put("NI", "S");
countryMap.put("NG", "AF");
countryMap.put("NU", "O");
countryMap.put("NE", "AF");
countryMap.put("NC", "O");
countryMap.put("NZ", "O");
countryMap.put("OM", "AS");
countryMap.put("NL", "E");
countryMap.put("PK", "AS");
countryMap.put("PW", "O");
countryMap.put("PS", "AS");
countryMap.put("PA", "S");
countryMap.put("PG", "O");
countryMap.put("PY", "S");
countryMap.put("PE", "S");
countryMap.put("PF", "O");
countryMap.put("PL", "E");
countryMap.put("PT", "E");
countryMap.put("PR", "S");
countryMap.put("QA", "AS");
countryMap.put("HK", "AS");
countryMap.put("MO", "AS");
countryMap.put("GB", "E");
countryMap.put("CF", "E");
countryMap.put("DO", "S");
countryMap.put("CZ", "E");
countryMap.put("ZA", "AF");
countryMap.put("RO", "E");
countryMap.put("RU", "E");
countryMap.put("RW", "AF");
countryMap.put("UM", "S");
countryMap.put("KN", "S");
countryMap.put("SH", "AF");
countryMap.put("LC", "S");
countryMap.put("MF", "S");
countryMap.put("VC", "S");
countryMap.put("PM", "N");
countryMap.put("WS", "O");
countryMap.put("AS", "O");
countryMap.put("SM", "E");
countryMap.put("EH", "AF");
countryMap.put("ST", "AF");
countryMap.put("SN", "AF");
countryMap.put("SC", "AF");
countryMap.put("RS", "E");
countryMap.put("SL", "AF");
countryMap.put("SG", "AS");
countryMap.put("SR", "S");
countryMap.put("SJ", "E");
countryMap.put("SZ", "AF");
countryMap.put("TJ", "AS");
countryMap.put("TH", "AS");
countryMap.put("TW", "AS");
countryMap.put("TZ", "AF");
countryMap.put("IO", "O");
countryMap.put("TF", "O");
countryMap.put("TL", "AS");
countryMap.put("TG", "AF");
countryMap.put("TK", "O");
countryMap.put("TO", "O");
countryMap.put("TT", "S");
countryMap.put("TN", "AF");
countryMap.put("TM", "AS");
countryMap.put("TR", "AS");
countryMap.put("TV", "O");
countryMap.put("TD", "AF");
countryMap.put("UA", "E");
countryMap.put("UG", "AF");
countryMap.put("AE", "AS");
countryMap.put("UY", "S");
countryMap.put("UZ", "AS");
countryMap.put("VZ", "O");
countryMap.put("VA", "E");
countryMap.put("VE", "S");
countryMap.put("VN", "AS");
countryMap.put("WF", "O");
countryMap.put("CL", "S");
countryMap.put("CN", "AS");
countryMap.put("CY", "E");
countryMap.put("ZM", "AF");
countryMap.put("ZW", "AF");

Filtering NSArray of NSDictionaries from values in another NSArray while preserving order

I was trying to avoid this, but so far this is the only way I know how:

NSMutableArray *filteredCountries = [[[NSMutableArray alloc] init] autorelease];
NSArray *countryNames = ... // list of country names. this order matters
NSArray *countries = ... // array of country objects
for (NSString *name in countryNames) {
for (NSDictionary *dict in countries) {
if ([[dict objectForKey:@"name"] isEqualToString:name]) {
[filteredCountries addObject:dict];

It sucks, but it ships. Still welcoming a better, more elegant solution.

[Xcode]How to count NSArray according to type

You can use a dictionary to put objects with the same country in a separate array:

NSMutableDictionary *dictionary = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
for (dataclass *location in array) {
if (![dictionary objectForKey:location.country]) {
[dictionary setObject:[NSMutableArray array] forKey:location.country];
[(NSMutableArray *)[dictionary objectForKey:location.country] addObject:location];

Now, not only you can get the number of different countries like this:

int countriesCount = [dictionary count];

But also, it is easy to populate each section of your table view with locations from the corresponding country.

You can retrieve all the locations for a specific country that has the name countryName, like this:

NSArray *locationsForCountry = [dictionary objectForKey:countryName];

You can also have the list of all the countries like this:

NSArray *countries = [[dictionary keyEnumerator] allObjects];

How do I get a list of countries in Swift ios?

You can get a list of countries using the NSLocale class's isoCountryCodes which returns an array of [String]. From there, you get the country name by using NSLocale's displayName(forKey:) method. It looks like this:

var countries: [String] = []

for code in NSLocale.isoCountryCodes {
let id = NSLocale.localeIdentifier(fromComponents: [NSLocale.Key.countryCode.rawValue: code])
let name = NSLocale(localeIdentifier: "en_UK").displayName(forKey: NSLocale.Key.identifier, value: id) ?? "Country not found for code: \(code)"


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