Autoresizing for iPhone X

AutoResizing for iPhone X

is there any alternate way if anyone found, please update the answer here may be I did wrong

I tried something and customize yourself where you need, in here I used in viewcontroller , the code is

on that bottom based on your view has one button , in here I calculate the sa

For Example

@property (strong, nonatomic) IBOutlet UIButton *btnKarthik;

#pragma mark - Lifecycle
- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
CGRect modifyframe = self.btnKarthik.frame;
// here i changed the bottom origin Y position of my UIButton
modifyframe.origin.y = modifyframe.origin.y - [self getsafeAreaBottomMargin];
self.btnKarthik.frame = modifyframe;

the common method is

- (CGFloat) getsafeAreaBottomMargin {
if (@available(iOS 11.0, *)) {
UIWindow *currentwindow =;
return currentwindow.safeAreaLayoutGuide.owningView.frame.size.height - currentwindow.safeAreaLayoutGuide.layoutFrame.size.height - currentwindow.safeAreaLayoutGuide.layoutFrame.origin.y;
} else {
return 0;

Swift3 and above

override func viewDidLoad() {

var modifyframe: CGRect = btnKarthik.frame
// here i changed the bottom origin Y position of my UIButton
modifyframe.origin.y = modifyframe.origin.y - getsafeAreaBottomMargin()
btnKarthik.frame = modifyframe

common method as

 func getsafeAreaBottomMargin() -> CGFloat {
if #available(iOS 11.0, *) {
let currentwindow =
return (currentwindow?.safeAreaLayoutGuide.owningView?.frame.size.height)! - (currentwindow?.safeAreaLayoutGuide.layoutFrame.size.height)! - (currentwindow?.safeAreaLayoutGuide.layoutFrame.origin.y)!
else {
return 0

output of iphone-X

Sample Image

output of other iphone family

Sample Image

Move controls away from the edges on the iPhone X. Use the safe area layout guide and layout margins guide when creating constraints (use safeAreaIsets or layoutMargins if setting frames manually.

let margin = view.layoutMarginsGuide
btnKarthik.leadingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: margin.leadingAnchor),
btnKarthik.bottomAnchor.constraint(equalTo: margin.bottomAnchor)

Migrating a project using autoresizing masks for iPhone X

A third option would be to use autolayout where you need to and leave the rest of the app with autoresizing. Since XCode 8, you may mix autoresizing and autolayout. For each view in the xib or storyboard, you may choose to set an autoresizing mask or autolayout constraints. Using one kind of rules on a view disables the other kind for that view. But you may use the other kind on another view. This link has some more information :

If you choose to keep using only autoresizing masks, the helper methods below may help you to layout your views correctly.

statusBarHeight gives you the height of the status bar for the device. safeAreaBottomMargin gives you the bottom margin left for iPhoneX's home button indicator.

- (CGFloat) statusBarHeight {
return UIApplication.sharedApplication.statusBarFrame.size.height;

- (CGFloat) safeAreaBottomMargin {
if (@available(iOS 11.0, *)) {
UIWindow *window =;
return window.safeAreaLayoutGuide.owningView.frame.size.height - window.safeAreaLayoutGuide.layoutFrame.size.height - window.safeAreaLayoutGuide.layoutFrame.origin.y;
} else {
return 0;

How to fix button resize on iPhone X using autoresizing

As stated in the comments, you should use constraints to achieve the desired result. Using aspect-ratio and proportional constraints you should be able to scale the buttons accordingly.


There are many ways you can do this with autolayout. Below I enumerate each step I performed to achieved it.

  1. Create a view, rename it to contentView. This view will hold the three buttons. Center it horizontally and set a bottom constraint: Sample Image

  1. Create height and width constraints for the contentView in relation to its superview, and change them to be proportional: Sample Image

  1. Create a view inside contentView, rename it redView and change its background color to red. Pin it to top, left and right. Finally, add a proportional height constraint (0.5) related to contentView: Sample Image
    Sample Image

  1. Create a view inside contentView, rename it to blueView and change its background color to blue. Pin it to the bottom and right. Also, create a top space constraint between this view and the redView (value 16): Sample Image

There will be some storyboard errors, don't worry, we will fix them shortly.

  1. Create a view inside contentView, rename it to greenView and change its background color to green. Similarly to the blueView, pin it to the bottom and left. Also, add a trailing space constraint between greenView and blueView (value 32): Sample Image

  1. Finally, create equal height and equal width constraints between greenView and blueView.
    Sample Image

That's it, now you should add buttons and/or images to each view and perform additional logic to achieve your desired final result (adding round corners and such).

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