"Invalid Predicate: Nil Rhs" for Second Argument in Nspredicate Format

Invalid predicate: nil RHS for second argument in NSPredicate format

On all current iOS and OS X platforms, the C int is a 32-bit integer,
and that is what the %d format expects on the variable argument list.
If you pass a 64-bit integer then reading the next variable argument
will read the extra 4 zero bytes.

The following table shows which format is for which integer type:

Format C type Swift type
%d int Int32
%ld long int Int
%lld long long int Int64

and similarly for the unsigned types.

Alternatively, convert the integer to a NSNumber object and use
the %@ format, this works
for integers of all sizes. Example:

let value = 1234
let predicate = NSPredicate(format: "value = %@", value as NSNumber)

NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: 'Invalid predicate: nil RHS, need help figuring this out

The error message indicates that searchString is nil in

NSPredicate *filterPredicate = [NSPredicate 
predicateWithFormat:@"(workoutName CONTAINS[cd] %@)", searchString];

If the intention is to display all objects if no search string is given, you should
just not assign a predicate to the fetch request in that case:

if ([searchString length] > 0) {
NSPredicate *filterPredicate = [NSPredicate
predicateWithFormat:@"(workoutName CONTAINS[cd] %@)", searchString];
[request setPredicate:filterPredicate];

Why is this predicate format being turned into '= nil'

The %@ format expects a Foundation object as argument, the zero
is interpreted as nil.

You can convert the integer to NSNumber:

let filterPredicate = NSPredicate(format: "uid = %@", weightUnitFilter as NSNumber)

or use the "long int" format instead:

let filterPredicate = NSPredicate(format: "uid = %ld", weightUnitFilter)

Generic NSPredicate

You can solve the problem using your earlier solution for having different implementations for different parameter types : overloading.

func predicate<T: CVarArg>(value: String, op: String, predicate: T) -> [NSPredicate] {
return [NSPredicate(format: "\(value) \(op) %@", predicate)]

func predicate(value: String, op: String, predicate: Int) -> [NSPredicate] {
return [NSPredicate(format: "\(value) \(op) %d", predicate)]

Hope this helps.

Good luck.

Predicate for NSNumber = 0

You are using the wrong format specifier in your predicate. You want:

let predicate = NSPredicate(format: "wasExported == %d", 0)

%@ is for object pointers. With %@, the 0 is interpreted as the nil pointer.

Core Data predicate : unimplemented SQL generation for predicate

"ANY" in a Core Data predicate works only for a single to-many relationship.
Since your query involves two to-many relationships, you have to use a SUBQUERY:

[NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"SUBQUERY(models, $m, ANY $m.trims IN %@).@count > 0",

Localizable.strings works for String, but not for Double and Integer 32

Use only %d. %d is for an integer type

"elo-rating %d" = "Elo rating: %d";

For Average score, Use %lf.

"avg-score %lf" = "Average score: %lf";

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