Array Extension to Remove Object by Value

Swift2: Array extension to remove object by value - Foundation

PFUser does not conform to Equatable protocol so your extension doesn't apply. But a PFUser is identified through its user name. You can solve your problem with filter, no extension required:

func cell(cell: FriendSearchTableViewCell, didSelectUnfollowUser user: PFUser) {
if var followers = followingUsers {
ParseHelper.removeFollowRelationshipFromUser(PFUser.currentUser()!, toUser: user)
// update local cache
followers = followers.filter { $0.username != user.username }
self.followingUsers = followers

Removing object from array in Swift 3

The Swift equivalent to NSMutableArray's removeObject is:

var array = ["alpha", "beta", "gamma"]

if let index = array.firstIndex(of: "beta") {
array.remove(at: index)

if the objects are unique. There is no need at all to cast to NSArray and use indexOfObject:

The API index(of: also works but this causes an unnecessary implicit bridge cast to NSArray.

Of course you can write an extension of RangeReplaceableCollection to emulate the function. But due to value semantics you cannot name it removeObject.

extension RangeReplaceableCollection where Element : Equatable {
mutating func remove(_ element : Element) -> Element?
if let index = firstIndex(of: element) {
return remove(at: index)
return nil

Like remove(at: it returns the removed item or nil if the array doesn't contain the item.

If there are multiple occurrences of the same object use filter. However in cases like data source arrays where an index is associated with a particular object firstIndex(of is preferable because it's faster than filter.


In Swift 4.2+ you can remove one or multiple occurrences of beta with removeAll(where:):

array.removeAll{$0 == "beta"}

What is the better way to remove object in swift Array

There is no convenient method in the Foundation. But we can extend Array structure with needed one. Consider this:

extension Array where Element: Equatable {

mutating func remove(object: Element) {

if let index = index(of: object) {

remove(at: index)

var testArray: Array<Int> = [1, 2]
let toBeRemoved: Int = 1

testArray.remove(object: toBeRemoved)


Results in


How to remove single object in array from multiple matching object

Swift 2

Solution when using a simple Swift array:

var myArray = [1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 3]

if let index = myArray.indexOf(2) {

It works because .indexOf only returns the first occurence of the found object, as an Optional (it will be nil if object not found).

It works a bit differently if you're using NSMutableArray:

let nsarr = NSMutableArray(array: [1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 3])
let index = nsarr.indexOfObject(2)
if index < Int.max {

Here .indexOfObject will return Int.max when failing to find an object at this index, so we check for this specific error before removing the object.

Swift 3

The syntax has changed but the idea is the same.


var myArray = [1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 3]
if let index = myArray.index(of: 2) {
myArray.remove(at: index)
myArray // [1, 2, 3, 4, 3]


let myArray = NSMutableArray(array: [1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 3])
let index = myArray.index(of: 2)
if index < Int.max {
myArray.removeObject(at: index)
myArray // [1, 2, 3, 4, 3]

In Swift 3 we call index(of:) on both Array and NSMutableArray, but they still behave differently for different collection types, like indexOf and indexOfObject did in Swift 2.

Swift: Better way to remove a specific Object from an array?

Use firstIndex(where:) (previously called index(where:) in Swift 4.1 and earlier) to search the array for your object using the predicate { $0 === objectToRemove }, then call remove(at:) on the array to remove it:

if let idx = objectArray.firstIndex(where: { $0 === objectToRemove }) {
objectArray.remove(at: idx)

This allows you to search for your object whether it is Equatable or not.

Swift: Remove element from array quickly like in Lua

I think the filter is the way to go for you. You could also remove the element by index but I would still go with the filter method:


array = array.filter() { $0 !== value }

Remove by index:

if let index = array.index(where: { $0 == value }) {
array.remove(at: index)

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