How to Send Mail from an Iphone Application

How to send mail from iphone app without showing MFMailComposeViewController?

Sending emails programmatically, without user intervention, from an iphone application, cannot be implemented using any of the Apple frameworks. It could be possible in a jailbroken phone but then it would never see the inside of App Store.

If you want control of email sending, then a better way would be to set up a web service (at your server end) you can post to using an HTTP request. If you are posting to only one address this can work very well, although you may want to get the user to input their return mail address.

Otherwise only the standard dialog is available (this relies on using whatever account they've setup on the device).

Send email without user interaction in iOS App

The simple answer is "No".

It is against Apple guidelines. You cannot send mail without user interaction (action on send button).

As an alternate option, you can use power of web server/web service. Send information/data to your web service using web service request and can send an email from you web server. (Note: Mail sender id will not be email id of application user.)

You can try this but remember, it's against Apple guidelines and Apple may reject your app.


Send email from iOS app

Send your data to your web server using web service and from there send an e-mail to Receiver/Recipients. Web server can send e-mail without notifying (mobile app) user.

You can setup an account on web server that can send all e-mails from a single account. In your case, sending emails from web server using web service would be best choice.

iOS won't allow to send an e-mail without using

Is there any way to send an email with ignoring the saved email in mail application in ios device?

You can't do it.

Sending emails programmatically, without user intervention, from an
iOS application, cannot be implemented using any of the Apple
frameworks. It could be possible in a jailbroken phone but then it
would never see the inside of App Store.

If you want control of email sending, then a better way would be to
set up a web service (at your server end) you can post to using an
HTTP request. If you are posting to only one address this can work
very well, although you may want to get the user to input their return
mail address.

Otherwise only the standard dialog is available (this relies on using
whatever account they've setup on the device).

Source : How to send mail from iphone app without showing MFMailComposeViewController?

You can also check following question-answers :

Alternative ways to send email without UI from ipad or iphone

Send an email from iOS application without using MFMailCompose UI

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