Appstore Failureno Architectures in The Binary. Lipo Failed to Detect Any Architectures in The Bundle Executable." at Softwareassets/Softwareasset

Appstore FailureNo architectures in the binary. Lipo failed to detect any architectures in the bundle executable.” At SoftwareAssets/SoftwareAsset

Hi I'm glad i found the Answer. The problem was actually with my 'Productname' in info.plist . It was different in my first version.

ERROR ITMS-90085: “No architectures in the binary. Lipo failed to detect any architectures in the bundle executable.”

So it turns out that we were doing some native bindings in our project.
In one of these bindings we included a framework at the root of the project, the framework being a folder that includes sub-folders that contain the lib.a.
It turns out that at compilation time the whole framework folder structure was being copied into the resulting IPA and this was causing the issue.
The solution was to simply extract the lib.a and move it to the root of the project and delete the framework folder.
The resulting IPA no longer had the framework folder and the submission went through without a glitch.

Is a Load DATA without a file (i.e., in memory) possible for MySQL and Java?

It seems that from MySQL Connector/J JDBC driver version 5.1.3 onwards, you can hook up an InputStream reference, using com.mysql.jdbc.Statement.setLocalInfileInputStream() method, internally within your Java code, to 'pipe' your in-memory formatted string/text to the 'LOAD DATA INFILE' call. This means you do not have to write out and re-read a temporary file back from memory. Please refer to: (bottom of page)

The process is also outlined in this post:

O'reilly produced a PDF covering MySQL/JDBC performance gems, which refers to this.

There is also mention of it's usage with Hadoop (advanced Java topic).

Hope this all helps.



Is a Load DATA without a file (i.e., in memory) possible for MySQL and Java?

It seems that from MySQL Connector/J JDBC driver version 5.1.3 onwards, you can hook up an InputStream reference, using com.mysql.jdbc.Statement.setLocalInfileInputStream() method, internally within your Java code, to 'pipe' your in-memory formatted string/text to the 'LOAD DATA INFILE' call. This means you do not have to write out and re-read a temporary file back from memory. Please refer to: (bottom of page)

The process is also outlined in this post:

O'reilly produced a PDF covering MySQL/JDBC performance gems, which refers to this.

There is also mention of it's usage with Hadoop (advanced Java topic).

Hope this all helps.



Why can't I input the integers from a file?

I tried your code, slightly modified, on both Linux (g++ 3.4.4) and Mac (g++ 4.0.1) and it works just fine!

With respect to Chuck, if input.txt does not exist, is true. Since you say that's not the case...

Another possibility is a different input.txt file than what you expected. If it had too few numbers, you'd see zeros (or other garbage values). (You could test with iffer.eof(), though that might be set (appropriately) after reading the last number if there's no trailing whitespace (like a newline). So test eof() before reading!)

Alternatively, you could have a dangling pointer elsewhere in your code trashing something inappropriately. Sometimes adding and removing large chunks of code will permit you to manually "binary search" for where such problems actually lie.

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>

using namespace std;

#define SHOW(X) cout << # X " = \"" << (X) << "\"" << endl

int main()
int x = 0;
cin >> x;

ifstream iffer;
int numbers[12];"input.txt");
SHOW( );
SHOW( iffer.eof() );
for (int i = 0; i < 12; ++i)
iffer >> numbers[i];
SHOW(numbers[i]) << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < 12; ++i)
SHOW( );
SHOW( iffer.eof() );

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