Filtering Array in Swift

Swift 3 filter array of objects with elements of array

One approach is to update your filter to see if any value in pets is in the petArr array:

users = users.filter { $0.pets.contains(where: { petArr.contains($0) }) }

The first $0 is from the filter and it represents each User.

The second $0 is from the first contains and it represents each pet within the pets array of the current User.

How to filter String array in Swift

Use this code:

let yearArray: [String] = ... // your array of type [String]

let filteredArray = yearArray.filter {

Look at the picture for output:


Swift 4 - Filtering Array with Array

There's nothing wrong with Rakesha Shastri's answer. For performance reasons, you may want to make selectedIDs a Set instead of an Array:

let allEntries = [Entry(id: "1"), Entry(id:"2"), Entry(id:"3"), Entry(id:"4")]
let selectedIDs: Set<String> = ["1", "3"]
let selectedEntries = allEntries.filter({ selectedIDs.contains($ })

The reason is that searching an Array has a computational complexity of O(n) where n is the length of the array, while searching a Set (i.e. a hash table) is O(1) on average.

  • If you keep selectedIDs as array, the overall solution has a complexity of O(n * m) where n and m are the lengths of selectedIDs and allEntries, respectively.

  • If you use Set, the overall complexity reduces to O(m).

Having said that, your example is too trivial for either methods to make a difference.

Filter array of strings, including like condition

Use contains instead:

let arr = ["Hello","Bye","Halo"]
let filtered = arr.filter { $0.contains("lo") }


["Hello", "Halo"]

Thanks to @user3441734 for pointing out that functionality is of course only available when you import Foundation

How do I filter on an array of objects in Swift?

So I quickly did this to help out, if someone can improve that's fine I'm just trying to help.

I made a struct for the books

struct Book {
let title: String
let tag: [String]

Created an array of those

var books: [Book] = []

Which is empty.

I created a new object for each book and appended to books

let dv = Book(title: "The Da Vinci Code", tag: ["Religion","Mystery", "Europe"])
let gdt = Book(title: "The Girl With the Dragon Tatoo", tag: ["Psychology","Mystery", "Thriller"])
let fn = Book(title: "Freakonomics", tag: ["Economics","non-fiction", "Psychology"])

So you've three objects in the books array now.
Try to check with

print (books.count)

Now you want to filter for Psychology books.
I filtered the array for tags of Psychology - are filters ok for you?

let filtered = books.filter{ $0.tag.contains("Psychology") } 
filtered.forEach { print($0) }

Which prints the objects with your two Psychology books

Book(title: "The Girl With the Dragon Tatoo", tag: ["Psychology",
"Mystery", "Thriller"])

Book(title: "Freakonomics", tag: ["Economics", "non-fiction",

Filtering Array from contents of another Array

With "explicit" return and no $0.

let filtered = array2.filter { aString in
return !exclude.contains(where: { anExcludedString in
return aString.range(of: anExcludedString, options: .caseInsensitive) != nil

Why var filter = array2.filter({exclude.contains($0)}) didn't work?

  • First issue:

    There is no case insensitive check.

  • Second issue:

    You are using contains() on a [String], not a String. So it expect full equality between the two strings. So if array2 was ["APP"], it would have worked.

For instance if you had:

let exclude = ["text 1", "text 2", "APP", "John"]
let array2 = ["this is text 1", "This is text 2", "This App is under development", "John is working on this project", "This is great", "This APP is under development"]
let filtered = array2.filter { aString in
return !exclude.contains(where: { anExcludedString in
return aString.contains(anExcludedString)

Then "This APP is under development" would have been removed.

Now, going back to the initial answer, the way to check case insentive is to use range(of:options:).

Adding a filter to an array in Swift 4

Use filtered.

Here is an example of your unfiltered array:

var unfilteredItems = ...

Here is a filtering code:

var filteredItems = unfilteredItems.filter { $ == "garden" }

Here is the code:

func loadData() {
items = [Item]()
items = DataManager.loadAll(Item.self).sorted(by: {
$0.createdAt < $1.createdAt }).filter { $ == "garden"}


How to filter array of items by another array of items in swift

Chose 1 in 2 option of return:

     func filter(items: [Item], contains tags: [String]) -> [Item] {
items.filter { (item) -> Bool in
let tagNames ={ $ })
return tags.allSatisfy(tagNames.contains)
return Set(tags).isSubset(of: Set(tagNames))

How to filter an array of objects into different segments in Swift

A few things:

First, given that there a finite number of note types, I would model them as an enum instead of a String:

enum NoteType {
case atc
case imaging
case lab

You could always add an .unknown case in the event that your backend provides a String that your client doesn't recognize. It may also be beneficial to give your NoteType enum a raw type of String and have each rawValue correspond to the values your backend will provide.

Second, it's a bit unclear exactly what you want to accomplish with a UISegmentedControl. My assumption is that you want a separate segment for each different type of Note? If that's the case, you could make the above enum conform to CaseIterable and create a segment for each value found in NoteType's allCases array. (If you're going the route of having NoteTypes be Strings, then each segment's title could be set to every case's rawValue). It really all depends on what exactly you're trying to accomplish.

Third, I think in the end what you're wanting is three (or however many NoteTypes exist) separate arrays of Notes where each Note is of the same type. That way you can determine what your UICollectionView's datasource is depending on which segment of the UISegmentedControl is selected. If that's what you're wanting (feel free to correct me), you can accomplish that via a simple filter call:

let sortedNotes = associatedNotes.sorted(by: {
$$ == .orderedDescending
let atcNotes = sortedNotes.filter { $0.type == .atc }
let imagingNotes = sortedNotes.filter { $0.type == .imaging }
let labNotes = sortedNotes.filter { $0.type == .lab }

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