Xpath to Match @Class Value and Element Value

HTML XPath Searching by class and text

//span[contains(@class, 'myclass') and text() = 'qwerty']


//span[contains(@class, 'myclass') and normalize-space(text()) = 'qwerty']

XPath for class and other attribute values together?

This XPath illustrates all of the concepts of your three-part question:

//a[contains(concat(' ',@class,' '), ' classA ')]
[contains(concat(' ',@class,' '), ' classB ')]
[contains(concat(' ',@class,' '), ' classC ')]


  • The @class tests prevent classA from matching classAnt.
  • You can use and to join your conditions in a single predicate rather than compound predicates.

Xpath: select div that contains class AND whose specific child element contains text

To find a div of a certain class that contains a span at any depth containing certain text, try:

//div[contains(@class, 'measure-tab') and contains(.//span, 'someText')]

That said, this solution looks extremely fragile. If the table happens to contain a span with the text you're looking for, the div containing the table will be matched, too. I'd suggest to find a more robust way of filtering the elements. For example by using IDs or top-level document structure.

XPath for two different classes?

This XPath,

//div[@class="one" or @class="two"]

will select all div elements with @class attribute values of "one" or "two".

For a more robust matching of @class that takes into account that @class attribute values can be space-separate lists, see this approach.

XPath using classname and contains text

For a demonstration consider the following HTML:

<div class="credit_summary_item">Professor</div>

There is:

  • Only one value of the class attribute i.e. credit_summary_item.
  • And the innerText i.e. Professor contains no leading and trailing spaces.

So, to locate this element you can use either of the following solutions:

  • Using text():

    //div[@class='credit_summary_item' and text()='Professor']
  • Using contains():

    //div[@class='credit_summary_item' and contains(., 'Professor')]

This usecase

But in your usecase it seems contains(@class, 'credit_summary_item') worked which implies the element have multiple classes. So apart from credit_summary_item there are some other values present as class attributes.

How can I find an element by CSS class with XPath?

This selector should work but will be more efficient if you replace it with your suited markup:

//*[contains(@class, 'Test')]

Or, since we know the sought element is a div:

//div[contains(@class, 'Test')]

But since this will also match cases like class="Testvalue" or class="newTest", @Tomalak's version provided in the comments is better:

//div[contains(concat(' ', @class, ' '), ' Test ')]

If you wished to be really certain that it will match correctly, you could also use the normalize-space function to clean up stray whitespace characters around the class name (as mentioned by @Terry):

//div[contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '), ' Test ')]

Note that in all these versions, the * should best be replaced by whatever element name you actually wish to match, unless you wish to search each and every element in the document for the given condition.

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