CSS :First-Letter Not Working

CSS :first-letter not working

::first-letter does not work on inline elements such as a span. ::first-letter works on block elements such as a paragraph, table caption, table cell, list item, or those with their display property set to inline-block.

Therefore it's better to apply ::first-letter to a p instead of a span.

p::first-letter {font-size: 500px;}

or if you want a ::first-letter selector in a span then write it like this:

p b span::first-letter {font-size: 500px !important;}
span {display:block}

MDN provides the rationale for this non-obvious behaviour:

The ::first-letter CSS pseudo-element selects the first letter of the first line of a block, if it is not preceded by any other content (such as images or inline tables) on its line.


A first line has only meaning in a block-container box, therefore the ::first-letter pseudo-element has only an effect on elements with a display value of block, inline-block, table-cell, list-item or table-caption. In all other cases, ::first-letter has no effect.

Another odd case(apart from not working on inline items) is if you use :before the :first-letter will apply to the before not the actual first letter see codepen


  • http://jsfiddle.net/sandeep/KvGr2/9/
  • http://krijnhoetmer.nl/stuff/css/first-letter-inline-block/



Pseudo element first letter does not work

::first-selector doesn't work on inline elements, such as a tags.

Make link inline-block

.logo-home > .navbar-brand {
display: inline-block;

.navbar-brand::first-letter, .subscribe-form::first-letter, footer h4::first-letter {
color: #a32424;
letter-spacing: 0.02em;
<div class="mx-auto navigation-desktop-home">
<div class="logo-home">
<a class="navbar-brand text-center w-100" href="/home.html">5test</a>

CSS - First-letter selection not working with ID

That is because :first-letter can only be used on block level elements.

One solution could be to display the span as a block level element:

#fletter span {

#fletter span:first-letter {
font-weight: 600;
font-size: 25px;

jsFiddle here.

Combination :before and :first-letter is not working when adding display:flex

From the specification:

In CSS, the ::first-letter pseudo-element applies to block-like containers such as block, list-item, table-cell, table-caption, and inline-block elements. Note: A future version of this specification may allow this pseudo-element to apply to more display types.

As you can read, a flexbox container is not listed actually. It will probably be in the future:

Css ::first-letter on textarea does not work

You need a block container in order to use the ::first-letter pseudo-element:

<textarea name="content" rows="18" placeholder="Your Message"
title="Give Your Advice To Us" wrap="soft"></textarea>

And your CSS:

p::first-letter {
text-transform: uppercase;

First-letter pseudo-element not working properly with quote sign in CSS

An option would be to use the ::before and ::after pseudo elements.

.quote::before,.quote::after {  content: "\0022";  font-size: 2em;  font-weight: bold;  color: green;  vertical-align: -.3em;}
<p class="quote">This is a great quote</p>

First letter not working if -webkit-box display property is set

To be accurate, ::first-letter only works for:

  • display: block;
  • display: inline-block;
  • display: flow-root;

So if you want a result that fit you, you should use js Color JS based on this subject


(function() {
// Let's get all user names, you might have another structure
var users = document.querySelectorAll('h2');

// Create the span containing the highlighted asterisk
var asterisk = document.createElement('span');
asterisk.className = 'highlight';

// Walk the users (teehee) and check if the first characer is an asterisk
for (var i = 0; i < users.length; ++i) {
var user = users[i];
var text = user.textContent;
var firstLetter = text[0];
h2 {
display: -webkit-box;
-webkit-line-clamp: 2;
-webkit-box-orient: vertical;

overflow: hidden;
text-overflow: ellipsis;

width: 75px;
border: 1px solid lightgray;

/*h2::first-letter {
color: red;

.highlight {
color: #f00;
<h2>This is a pretty simple test</h2>

::selection does not work on text which has ::first-letter

I remember coming across this a long time ago..

It's a known bug in chrome which still seems to be an issue!


:first-letter not working with strong

Further to other answers, it also (in Chromium at least) works with elements with display: inline-block, so the display simply has to be anything other than inline (including list-item), for example:

strong {
font-weight: bold;
color: blue;
display: inline-block;
strong::first-letter {
color: red;

JS Fiddle demo.

Also, ::first-letter is a pseudo-element, so the syntax should be double-colon rather than single, in order to distinguish the selector from a pseudo-class.

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