What Are the CSS Properties That Get Elements Out of the Normal Flow

What are the CSS properties that get elements out of the normal flow?

Only the following properties affects the normal flow of any given element:

  • float: right|left
  • position: absolute|fixed

Just for completeness:

  • display: none removes the element from the flow (strictly speaking the element will not have a flow order)

  • position: relative does not change the flow order of the element, but changes its position relative to the normal flow position.

  • visibility: hidden will maintain the element on the flow but will not render it to the viewport.

Not-normal HTML Flows

Found the answer in the W3 Cascading Style Sheets Level 2 Revision 2 (CSS 2.2) Specification in Section 9: Visual formatting model.

This describes Normal Flow, Floats and Absolute Positioning. It also contains a Comparison of normal flow, floats, and absolute positioning.

Given that these are all discussed together, I think that the confision was that there are different types of flows, but only normal flow actually contains the word flow.

Therefore, the three types of flow positioning schemes as per CSS 2.2 are:

  1. Normal Flow
  2. Floats
  3. Absolute Positioning

They are refered to using these terms.

NB: These are not referred to as flows, they are refered to a positioning schemes.

How to remove an element from the flow?


I mean, other than removing it from the layout entirely with display: none, I'm pretty sure that's it.

Are you facing a particular situation in which position: absolute is not a viable solution?

Is there any other way, using CSS, to get an element to NOT influence the flow of the page, besides using the positions absolute or fixed?

You could float the element, but that usually causes the element and its in-flow siblings to move away from where it would otherwise be were it in the normal flow. It also transforms the element into a block box. If either of these effects are undesirable, then floating is not an option.

If you want the element to remain as it is but act as if it weren't in the normal flow, then simply specifying position: absolute alone should suffice. If you don't specify any of top, right, bottom or left, then the element won't be offset anywhere from its normal flow position, except in special circumstances (e.g. absposing an element will block margin collapse on that element, because when it's out of flow it no longer has any other margins to interact with — compare this example with this one).

Why doesn't the normal flow element accommodate the floati element?

When you float the element, it means it will float to the direction and overlap other elements. In this case, you haven't added additional CSS to make them accommodate, but a simple fix for your case will be adding display:inline-block to the #boxGreen this will make them accommodate. This will display the element by side by side

border:8px solid #333;
#boxGreen {
display: inline-block;
<div id="boxBlue">
<div id="boxGreen">

Will the css properties 'left' or 'right' affect other elements on a webpage

In most cases, offsetting a relatively-positioned element will not affect the layout of other elements in the same flow, because other elements will only respect the "original" position of the element (i.e. the position if it had not been offset). The offset properties only create a visual effect on the element being offset. From the spec:

Once a box has been laid out according to the normal flow or floated, it may be shifted relative to this position. This is called relative positioning. Offsetting a box (B1) in this way has no effect on the box (B2) that follows: B2 is given a position as if B1 were not offset and B2 is not re-positioned after B1's offset is applied. This implies that relative positioning may cause boxes to overlap.

However, the spec does point out an edge case (immediately after the above portion):

... However, if relative positioning causes an 'overflow:auto' or 'overflow:scroll' box to have overflow, the UA must allow the user to access this content (at its offset position), which, through the creation of scrollbars, may affect layout.

For example, scrollbars can reduce the width of a container and cause other elements to wrap where they otherwise would not.

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