Links Not Going Back a Directory

Links not going back a directory?

You need to give a relative file path of <a href="../index.html">Home</a>

Alternately you can specify a link from the root of your site with
<a href="/pages/en/index.html">Home</a>

.. and . have special meanings in file paths, .. means up one directory and . means current directory.

so <a href="index.html">Home</a> is the same as <a href="./index.html">Home</a>

How do I link back out of a folder using the a-href tag?

Try setting your link to be your site root as so; note the / in front of home.html:

<a href="/home.html">bla</a>

Or if you know the path is definitely one directory down then just explicitly tell it to go down 1 directory; note the ../ in front of the home.html.

<a href="../home.html">bla</a>

Relative Links to parent folder are not working

So, I have found a solution or rather I followed some troubleshooting steps, that did it.

  1. cleared browser cache again.
  2. I deleted the html file and then saved it again. I am using Sublime, so the
    content remained, even after the file had become deleted.
  3. I did refresh the site

And out of the sudden all was working. Strange still, never had that happen before. Either way, it is now working.

href=../ links to root instead of parent directory

Here is a couple of things I would try to do:
(1) Check web server redirection settings
(2) Does the web server require file extension (ex. .html .htm) to properly load the page? You can probably try ../index.html if the root file of the parent directory is named index.html.

Html directory link not working if the directory is not from the beginning

You have to look where is the .html file located on the hierarchy. If you are in dmca.html and you have a href on that page to second.html, you will need to jump backwards to the pages directory, and then go to the file: ../second.html

Now, if you are in index.html, and you have a href linking to dmca.html, you will need to hop back one level, enter pages directory, and choose the .html file. So it would be like this: ../pages/dmca.html


If I have not explained myself correctly, or I've understood the question wrong, please tell me.

What is happening, if I understand the problem properly, is that you are in index.html, and you want to href dmca.html, but the route you use pages/dmca.html, doesn't work, but if you use ../../public_html/pages/dmca.html, then, it does work. And I guess you are asking why is this happening.

Well, what happens when you use pages/dmca.html is that you are saying: search for a subdirectory called 'pages' and go to the file inside it called dmca.html. This would be correct if you had this hierarchy:


But index.html is a file, so it can't contain subdirectories. That's why you have to go one level up the hierarchy, and then, once you are in public_html/ you can choose to load index.html or go to the subdirectory public_html/pages and choose a file from it.

How to go up a level in the src path of a URL in HTML?

Use .. to indicate the parent directory:

background-image: url('../images/bg.png');

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