Fast and Responsive Interactive Charts/Graphs: Svg, Canvas, Other

Fast and responsive interactive charts/graphs: SVG, Canvas, other?

Fortunately, drawing 2000 circles is a pretty easy example to test. So here are four possible implementations, two each of Canvas and SVG:

  • Canvas geometric zooming
  • Canvas semantic zooming
  • SVG geometric zooming
  • SVG semantic zooming

These examples use D3's zoom behavior to implement zooming and panning. Aside from whether the circles are rendered in Canvas or SVG, the other major distinction is whether you use geometric or semantic zooming.

Geometric zooming means you apply a single transform to the entire viewport: when you zoom in, circles become bigger. Semantic zooming in contrast means you apply transforms to each circle individually: when you zoom in, the circles remain the same size but they spread out. currently uses semantic zooming, but it might be useful to consider other cases.

Geometric zooming simplifies the implementation: you apply a translate and scale once, and then all the circles are re-rendered. The SVG implementation is particularly simple, updating a single "transform" attribute. The performance of both geometric zooming examples feels more than adequate. For semantic zooming, you'll notice that D3 is significantly faster than Protovis. This is because it's doing a lot less work for each zoom event. (The Protovis version has to recalculate all attributes on all elements.) The Canvas-based semantic zooming is a bit more zippy than SVG, but SVG semantic zooming still feels responsive.

Yet there is no magic bullet for performance, and these four possible approaches don't begin to cover the full space of possibilities. For example, you could combine geometric and semantic zooming, using the geometric approach for panning (updating the "transform" attribute) and only redrawing individual circles while zooming. You could probably even combine one or more of these techniques with CSS3 transforms to add some hardware acceleration (as in the hierarchical edge bundling example), although that can be tricky to implement and may introduce visual artifacts.

Still, my personal preference is to keep as much in SVG as possible, and use Canvas only for the "inner loop" when rendering is the bottleneck. SVG has so many conveniences for development—such as CSS, data-joins and the element inspector—that it is often premature optimization to start with Canvas. Combining Canvas with SVG, as in the Facebook IPO visualization you linked, is a flexible way to retain most of these conveniences while still eking out the best performance. I also used this technique in Cubism.js, where the special case of time-series visualization lends itself well to bitmap caching.

As these examples show, you can use D3 with Canvas, even though parts of D3 are SVG-specific. See also this force-directed graph and this collision detection example.

Animated/interactive graphs: SVG, Canvas or neither?

It is certainly possible to do so with both technologies, but you should have in mind that they have different approaches.

I recommend you use canvas (there are lots of good libs out there such as kinetic) because android 2.x doesn't support svg :(

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