How to Customize the Numbers in an Ordered List

How can you customize the numbers in an ordered list?

This is the solution I have working in Firefox 3, Opera and Google Chrome. The list still displays in IE7 (but without the close bracket and left align numbers):

ol {  counter-reset: item;  margin-left: 0;  padding-left: 0;}li {  display: block;  margin-bottom: .5em;  margin-left: 2em;}li::before {  display: inline-block;  content: counter(item) ") ";  counter-increment: item;  width: 2em;  margin-left: -2em;}
<ol>  <li>One</li>  <li>Two</li>  <li>Three</li>  <li>Four</li>  <li>Five</li>  <li>Six</li>  <li>Seven</li>  <li>Eight</li>  <li>Nine<br>Items</li>  <li>Ten<br>Items</li></ol>

How to do css style for ordered list numbers?

custom-counter is an invalid selector and even if it was valid, it would be pointing to nothing. Just remove that whole ruleset and then add list-style-type: none; to the <ol> as in:

ol {list-style-type: none;}

Assign position:relative to all <li> and position:absolute to each li::before in order to have granular control over all bullet distances from text.

li {
position: relative;

li::before {
position: absolute;
top: -1px;
/* Adjust < -number | number+ > */
left: -32px;

:root {  font: 400 16px/1.25 Verdana}
ol { list-style-type: none;}
ol li { counter-increment: step-counter; position: relative; margin: 10px 0 0 0;}
ol li::before { content: counter(step-counter); display: block; position: absolute; top: -1px; /* Adjust < -number | number+ > */ left: -32px; width: 1.25rem; height: 1.25rem; line-height: 1.25rem; background-color: rgb(0, 200, 200); color: white; font-weight: bold; font-size: 0.8rem; text-align: center; border-radius: 15px;}
<ol>  <li>This is the first item</li>  <li>This is the second item</li>  <li>This is the third item</li>  <li>This is the fourth item</li>  <li>This is the fifth item</li>  <li>This is the sixth item</li></ol>

Can you style ordered list numbers?

You can do this using CSS counters, in conjunction with the :before pseudo element:

 ol {   list-style: none;   counter-reset: item; } li {   counter-increment: item;   margin-bottom: 5px; } li:before {   margin-right: 10px;   content: counter(item);   background: lightblue;   border-radius: 100%;   color: white;   width: 1.2em;   text-align: center;   display: inline-block; }
<ol>  <li>item</li>  <li>item</li>  <li>item</li>  <li>item</li></ol>

Change start number of an ordered list (ol)

You have list-style-type set to none on your ol.

.number-circles {
margin: 40px 0 0 0;
padding: 0;
list-style-type: none;

The start attribute won't make a difference, because the value will be hidden.


The list-style-type property specifies the appearance of a list item


No item marker is shown.


Can you style ordered list numbers in javascript?

You can add a class to list items you want to highlight.

li.highlight::marker {
color: red;

Styling numbers of outside ordered list

Firstly, it's not list-position-style it's list-style-position. Anyway, just list-style: none; it so that to hide the numbers, then apply position: relative; to li and position: absolute; to its :before. Just take a look on what I have done below:

ol {   list-style: none;   counter-reset: item; } li {   counter-increment: item;   margin-bottom: 5px;    position: relative; } li:before {   margin-right: 10px;   content: counter(item);   background: lightblue;   border-radius: 100%;   color: white;   width: 1.2em;   text-align: center;   display: inline-block;   position: absolute;   left: -25px; }
<ol>   <li><span>blah blah blah.</span>   <ol type="a" class="ol substeps">   <li>blah blah</li>     <li>blah</li>     </ol></li>  <li>blah blah blah blah</li></ol>

Can you style ordered list numbers in javascript? If so, how?

While JS cannot directly alter the color of the marker as it's a pseudo element, not actually in the DOM, we can get it to set a CSS variable of the actual 'real' element and use that to change the color in the pseudo element.

#thelistitem {
color: blue;

#thelistitem::marker {
color: var(--color);
<li id="thelistitem">
Hello there!
<button onclick="document.getElementById('thelistitem').style.setProperty('--color', 'red');">Click me</button>

How to localize decimal numbers of an ordered lists?

You are probably looking for "list-style: arabic-indic;".

You can see all available styles here:

There is also a draft spec to create your own symbols for numbered lists, but it is only supported in the latest Firefox so far. See

Also a better reference for the list-style-type CSS attribute can be found here:

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