How to Create Download Link in Html

How can I create download link in HTML?

This answer is outdated. We now have the download attribute. (see also this link to MDN)

If by "the download link" you mean a link to a file to download, use

  <a href="" target="_blank">Download</a>

the target=_blank will make a new browser window appear before the download starts. That window will usually be closed when the browser discovers that the resource is a file download.

Note that file types known to the browser (e.g. JPG or GIF images) will usually be opened within the browser.

You can try sending the right headers to force a download like outlined e.g. here. (server side scripting or access to the server settings is required for that.)

How to trigger a file download when clicking an HTML button or JavaScript

For the button you can do

<form method="get" action="file.doc">
<button type="submit">Download!</button>

How to make HTML Link which makes the user download an .html file

You can use the HTML5 Download attribute in the anchor tag.

Download attribute signifies that the resource it points to should be downloaded by the browser instead of navigating to it.

<a href="myfile.html" download> Download HTML file </a>

or, you can specify a name of the downloadable file by yourself

<a href="myfile.html" download="file.html"> Download with specified name </a>

Not all browsers support this HTML5 attribute, here is the detail of where it will work.

How can I make a url a download link in html?

How a file is displayed is browser specific. Some may force you to download while some directly render it on the browser.

If you want to force the browser to download the file then you can set in Header the

Content-Type : application/octet-stream

How to make HTML download link for .exe file?

Try this, it worked on my website for a PDF file. I'm not sure why it shouldn't with any other file extension.

<form method="get" action="test.exe">
<button type="submit">Download</button>

Note that "test.exe" needs to be in the same directory as your page.html or the path needs to be defined i.e. "downloads/test.exe".

href image link download on click

<a download="custom-filename.jpg" href="/path/to/image" title="ImageName">
<img alt="ImageName" src="/path/to/image">

It's not yet fully supported caniuse, but you can use with modernizr (under Non-core detects) to check the support of the browser.

Create download link for music or video

You can try this. I've tried it, and it's working for me.

<a href="link/to/your/download/file" download> Download link </a>

How to create downloadable link to text file?

Add the following lines to your .htaccess file.

<Files "backup.sql">
ForceType applicaton/octet-stream
Header set Content-Disposition attachment

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