How to Apply a Style to an Embedded Svg

How to apply a style to an embedded SVG?

Short answer: no, since styles don't apply across document boundaries.

However, since you have an <object> tag you can insert the stylesheet into the svg document using script.

Something like this, and note that this code assumes that the <object> has loaded fully:

var svgDoc = yourObjectElement.contentDocument;
var styleElement = svgDoc.createElementNS("", "style");
styleElement.textContent = "svg { fill: #fff }"; // add whatever you need here

It's also possible to insert a <link> element to reference an external stylesheet:

var svgDoc = yourObjectElement.contentDocument;
var linkElm = svgDoc.createElementNS("", "link");
linkElm.setAttribute("href", "my-style.css");
linkElm.setAttribute("type", "text/css");
linkElm.setAttribute("rel", "stylesheet");

Yet another option is to use the first method, to insert a style element, and then add an @import rule, e.g styleElement.textContent = "@import url(my-style.css)".

Of course you can directly link to the stylesheet from the svg file too, without doing any scripting. Either of the following should work:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?xml-stylesheet href="my-style.css" type="text/css"?>
<svg xmlns="">
... rest of document here ...


<svg xmlns="">
<link href="my-style.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet"
... rest of document here ...

Update 2015: you can use jquery-svg plugin for apply js scripts and css styles to an embedded SVG.

How to style SVG with external CSS?

Your main.css file would only have an effect on the content of the SVG if the SVG file is included inline in the HTML:

<svg version="1.1" id="Layer_1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" viewBox="0 0 56.69 56.69">
<path d="M28.44......."/>

If you want to keep your SVG in files, the CSS needs to be defined inside of the SVG file.

You can do it with a style tag:

<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" 
<svg xmlns="" version="1.1"
width="50px" height="50px" viewBox="0 0 50 50">
<style type="text/css"><![CDATA[
.socIcon g {
<path d="M28.44......./>

You could use a tool on the server side to update the style tag depending on the active style. In ruby you could achieve this with Nokogiri. SVG is just XML. So there are probably many XML libraries available that can probably achieve this.

If you're not able to do that, you will have to just have to use them as though they were PNGs; creating a set for each style, and saving their styles inline.

Applying CSS to img-tag-embedded SVG images

Well it can be achieved through JQuery ( Work Around ) , this Jquery function will convert <img> tag that hold current svg image into a <svg> inline tags, you can view it in your browser debugger.In short it will mimic as if directly inserted the SVG image.

<script type="text/javascript">

$(document).ready(function() {
var img = $(this);
var image_uri = img.attr('src');

$.get(image_uri, function(data) {
var svg = $(data).find('svg');
}, 'xml');


<img id='img' src="my.svg" />

Using an SVG and Apply CSS from Stylesheet

I ended up using <object> and manipulating it after the SVG was rendered, in a way that would help me change the styling.

To anyone interested in the more technical details, I've written the process here in my blog.

I've created a directive in Angular to handle it, but of course you don't have to use Angular and could take the relevant parts and use it however you want.

Edit: Wrote a bower for it, you can get it here.

unable to apply css styles to an svg image embedded in a div tag.?

Any content that is added in DOM by library then customized css of dynamically added element will not applied if it is in component's css. So it's necessary to add customized css in Global style.

Try to put style of svg in your globle style styles.scss

How do you style a external svg with css

If you include your svg image by referencing an external file, like you do with the object tag, the elements in the svg image are not included to your main documents DOM tree. They comprise their own tree. Therefore, the elements in the external image can't be matched by CSS selectors in the main document.

You can style the object element like you could most other elements, for example giving it a border. But you can't (this way, at least) access the elements in the external image. In your case, you try to style #ob's color. That would apply to the objects text color, not to any color inside the referenced svg image. On browsers not supporting svg, the "Your browser does not support SVG" notice would probably rendered in blue.

The case with your CSS selector for svg is similar: CSS selectors in the main document match only to elements in the main document, and there's no svg to be found, just an object.

There are some ways to apply CSS styling to svg elements. The idea generally is to bring the CSS and the svg elements to the same DOM tree, either by getting the svg elements from the external file to the main document or the CSS from the main document to the external file:

  1. Embed your svg element and its child elements directly into the main document instead of referencing an external file. In this case, the svg element and its children will be part of the man document's DOM tree, so they're accessible to the main document's CSS.
  2. Embed an svg element into your main document and use xlink's use to reference an external svg image (rather, a part of it). For the general idea, see this answer or this answer.
  3. Load the elements from the external image to the main documents tree via AJAX/XHR. For the general idea, again see this answer.
  4. You can grab a hold of the external images' tree with JavaScript and edit their styles from there. The keyword for that would be contentDocument, see this answer.
  5. If you can't get the elements from your external svg image to your main document's DOM tree, so the main documents CSS selectors can match to it, you can try the other way around: Add your CSS to your svg file. Similar to the ways you can include CSS into a html document, you can use inline style attributes, use a style element like in html's head or reference an external CSS file with <?xml-stylesheet ... ?>. For more information, see for example this tutorial.

How to embed SVG styling with javascript?

You've two main bugs. Firstly, you need to create the style element in the SVG namespace i.e.

var style = document.createElementNS('', 'style');

Secondly you can't use <![CDATA[ in html it's an xhtml only thing so you want

var node = document.createTextNode('circle { fill: red; }');

Finally (and this bit is optional), the text/css attribute can be omitted if you wish. All of which gives you this

The specifications certainly do not tell you to use <![CDATA[ with html, but they do tell you to use it with xhtml and xml and SVG at one time was an xml only language. If you intend to have standalone svg files (which will be served as image/svg+xml) then you may need to put the <![CDATA[ back in.

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