Display Pdf Within Web Browser

Display PDF within web browser

I use Google Docs embeddable PDF viewer. The docs don't have to be uploaded to Google Docs, but they do have to be available online.

<iframe src="http://docs.google.com/gview?url=http://path.com/to/your/pdf.pdf&embedded=true" 
style="width:600px; height:500px;" frameborder="0"></iframe>

Recommended way to embed PDF in HTML?

Probably the best approach is to use the PDF.JS library. It's a pure HTML5/JavaScript renderer for PDF documents without any third-party plugins.

Online demo:


Open a PDF in browser 2 page up view

What you are trying to do involves browsers from multiple vendors and multiple versions of it, there is no concise and succinct answer to your question.

When trying to present a PDF document to a user via the web browser, in a particular fashion, you could use the following Parameters for Opening PDF Files

However, the parameter that you are looking for "Book View", i.e, Two Pages in a single view is not supported as per the official documentation.

Chrome and Acrobat are no longer compatible.
Change in support for Acrobat and Reader plug-ins in modern web browsers

For, other browsers that still support PDF plugins, use the following guidlines to Display PDF in browser
(This is mostly on the user side)

Open PDF in new browser full window

<a href="#" onclick="window.open('MyPDF.pdf', '_blank', 'fullscreen=yes'); return false;">MyPDF</a>

The above link will open the PDF in full screen mode, that's the best you can achieve.

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