Can an Option in a Select Tag Carry Multiple Values

Can an Option in a Select tag carry multiple values?

One way to do this, first one an array, 2nd an object:

    <select name="">
<option value='{"num_sequence":[0,1,2,3]}'>Option one</option>
<option value='{"foo":"bar","one":"two"}'>Option two</option>

Can I pass multiple values in the option tag?

You cannot have Multiple values in an Option Tag.

If the Name of the Front and Back-Image only differ by the Page-number, you can use this code:

function selectFlyer(name){ selectFront(name+"pag1.png"); selectBack(name+"pag2.png");}function selectFront(imgSrc) {    loadImage(imgSrc);    var Dim_Slice = document.querySelectorAll(".slice");    for (var i = 0; i < Dim_Slice.length; i++) {        Dim_Slice[i].style.backgroundImage = "url(" + imgSrc + ")";    }}

function selectBack(imgSrc) { loadImage(imgSrc); var Dim_Sliceb = document.querySelectorAll(".sliceb"); for (var i = 0; i < Dim_Sliceb.length; i++) { Dim_Sliceb[i].style.backgroundImage = "url(" + imgSrc + ")"; }}
<form name="Pictures">  <select name="dropPic" onchange="selectFlyer(this.value)">    <option value="Flyer1">Flyer 1</option>    <option value="Flyer2">Flyer 2</option>    <option value="Flyer3">Flyer 3</option>  </select></form>

how to give multiple values to a select-option tag?

I think this possible with JS help, with write Events for selected option and sent list arguments for example. HTML don't understand TWICE value in the one element.

Another way it's for example in the value do something like this

echo '<option value="'.$row['driver_name'].'_'.$row['mob_no'].'">'.$row['driver_name'].'</option>';

And on the server parse result for example:

$two_values = explode('_', $_POST['driver_name']);
//$two_values will be Array with 2 items

Can selected option tag can carry multiple values using django?

In HTML you cannot have multiple values on option elements.

As the spec says:

The value content attribute provides a value for element. The value of an option element is the value of the value content attribute, if there is one, or, if there is not, the value of the element’s text IDL attribute (which may be the empty string).

If we can set multiple values that would lead to ambiguous behaviour.

You can try to create a string which contains and perfume.addate joined by some special character and use this string as a value. Then you will just split it and will have both id and addate. However, you will need to carefully pick a special character, that would not be included in any the id or addate value, because your splitting will not work correctly otherwise.

option in SELECT tag with multiple values?

The value is always one, but if you serialize a JSON object, as you seem you are trying to do, inside the value attribute, you can retrieve it later using JSON.parse(), like so:

Javascript (using jQuery for speed, you can do vanilla)

var val = JSON.parse( $(this).val() );

Warning: Your serialized object is not a valid JSON format, you should use double quotes instead of single ones.

Working example

Pass Multiple Values In HTML Option Tag Via PHP

I can see one way of doing it:
Add extra data to your post, separated by a known delimiter.
So, your input field would change from this:

<option value-1="music" value-2="news">News Updates</option>

Into this:

<select name="sec-cat">
<option value="music_news" >News Updates</option>

And on the server you can get the values like this:

$catRetVal = explode ('_',$POST['sec-cat']);
echo $catRetVal[0];
echo $catRetVal[1];

Is this what you are trying to do?

referencing multiple values inside an option element

I think you are looking for the attributes property:

var sel = document.getElementById('selectList');

selValue1 = sel.options[sel.selectedIndex].attributes.value1.value;

Here is a jsFiddle demonstrating how to extract these values.

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