Use or Clause in Queryover in Nhibernate

Use OR Clause in queryover in NHibernate

Here is description how we can build OR with NHiberante

  • NHibernate QueryOver with WhereRestriction as OR

The syntax (in C# as the tag says) is:

  • Restrictions.Or(restriction1, restriction1)
  • Restrictions.Disjunction().Add(restriction1).Add(restriction2).Add(...

In this case, it could be like this (again in C#, while question seems to use VB):

.Where((x) => x.Role == "Guest")
Restrictions.Where<Users>((x) => x.Block == 0)
, Restrictions.Where<Users>((x) => x.APPID == appId)

QueryOver IN Clause?

Aha- got it! The AddRestrictions has an IsIn method:

var results = session.QueryOver<Foo>().AndRestrictionOn(x=>

With this last piece we might be ready to ditch our years-old hand-rolled ORM!

nHibernate QueryOver Having clause with OR condition

It could look like this

Course courseAlias = null;
var query = session.QueryOver<Course>(() => courseAlias)
.SelectList(l => l
.SelectGroup(item => item.DepartmentID).WithAlias( () => courseAlias.DepartmentID)
.SelectCount(item => item.StatusID).WithAlias(() => courseAlias.StatusID)
// WHERE Clause
.Where(item => item.DepartmentID > 1)
// HAVING Clause
.Where( Restrictions.In(
Projections.Count<Course>(item => item.StatusID)
, new List<int> {2, 3})

var list = query
// take skip...

nHibernate QueryOver with a Left Join using *OR* and *AND* clauses

I think you're just missing a .Id on order in your where clause:

Order order = null;

var query = session.QueryOver<Customer>()
.Left.JoinAlias(x => x.Orders, () => order)
.Where(x => x.Active)
.And(() => order.Id == null || ( >= date1 && <= date2))
// -----------------^

This gives me the following SQL (SQL Server):

this_.Name as y0_,
order1_.Id as y1_
Customer this_
LEFT OUTER JOIN [Order] order1_ ON this_.Id = order1_.CustomerId
this_.Active = @p0 AND (
order1_.Id IS NULL OR (
order1_.Date >= @p1 AND order1_.Date <= @p2

NHibernate ORs using QueryOver

This syntax should solve it

var list = session.QueryOver<MyTable>()
Restrictions.Eq(Projections.Property<MyTable>(tab => tab.x), "One"),
Restrictions.Eq(Projections.Property<MyTable>(tab => tab.y), "Two")

In case we want more, Disjunction is our way to multiple OR:

var list = session.QueryOver<MyTable>()
.Add(Restrictions.Eq(Projections.Property<MyTable>(tab => tab.x), "One"))
.Add(Restrictions.Eq(Projections.Property<MyTable>(tab => tab.x), "Two"))
.Add(Restrictions.Eq(Projections.Property<MyTable>(tab => tab.x), "xxx"))

NHibernate multiple subqueries with in clause

You got it almost right, you are only missing the .Where(Restrictions.Disjunction()...) for the or in SQL.

Based on your code (assuming that you have a property Id in LocationEntity):

// get IDs to look for in CurrentLocation
var subQuery1 = QueryOver.Of<LocationEntity>()
.Where(l => l.Name == LocationNameEnum.LA)
.Select(x => x.Id);

// get IDs to look for in NextDestination
var subQuery2 = QueryOver.Of<LocationEntity>()
.Where(l => l.Name == LocationNameEnum.CHG || l.Name == LocationNameEnum.NY)
.Select(x => x.Id);

var poc = session.QueryOver<TruckEntity>()
.Where(Restrictions.Disjunction() // this takes care of the OR
.Add(Subqueries.WhereProperty<TruckEntity>(x => x.CurrentLocation.Id).In(subQuery1))
.Add(Subqueries.WhereProperty<TruckEntity>(x => x.NextDestination.Id).In(subQuery2))

nhibernate queryover join alias with a where-or clause

There are a few ways to rewrite this in QueryOver, but the cleanest is probably:

Dish d = null;
DishType dt = null;
return this.Session.QueryOver<Dish>(() => d)
.JoinAlias(() => d.DishType, () => dt)
.Where(() => d.Name.IsIn(namesArr) || dt.Name.IsIn(dishTypesArr))

This will generate SQL that looks something like this:

SELECT this_.*
FROM [Dish] this_
inner join [DishType] dt1_
on this_.DishTypeId = dt1_.Id
WHERE (this_.Name in (/* Comma separated list of names */)
or dt1_.Name in (/* Comma separated list of types */))

NHibernate QueryOver select where true

The most usual way is to apply an if statement in C#, while building the query.

var query = nhibernateSession
.QueryOver<Demanda>(() => DemandaAlias);

var someTestIfShouldApplyThisFilter = ...;

if (someTestIfShouldApplyThisFilter)
query = query.Where(() => (DemandaAlias.ID == userId);

and later we can consume that reference to get a list (or apply/not apply other where conditions based on other if statements)


QueryOver conditionally having multiple or zero Where clauses

You can make use of the


As an example:

private IQueryOver<CustomerEntity> QueryForCustomer(int? companyCode, int[] zipCodes)
var customerRestritcions = Restrictions.Conjunction();
if (companyCode.HasValue)
customerRestritcions.Add(Restrictions.Eq(Projections.Property<CustomerEntity>(c => c.CompanyCodeId), companyCode));

if (zipCodes != null)
customerRestritcions.Add(Restrictions.In(Projections.Property<CustomerEntity>(c => c.ZipCode), zipCodes));

return Session.QueryOver<CustomerEntity>(() => customer)

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