Optional Return in C#.Net

Optional return in C#.Net

Not in the language, no, but you can make your own:

public struct Optional<T>
public bool HasValue { get; private set; }
private T value;
public T Value
if (HasValue)
return value;
throw new InvalidOperationException();

public Optional(T value)
this.value = value;
HasValue = true;

public static explicit operator T(Optional<T> optional)
return optional.Value;
public static implicit operator Optional<T>(T value)
return new Optional<T>(value);

public override bool Equals(object obj)
if (obj is Optional<T>)
return this.Equals((Optional<T>)obj);
return false;
public bool Equals(Optional<T> other)
if (HasValue && other.HasValue)
return object.Equals(value, other.value);
return HasValue == other.HasValue;

Note that you won't be able to emulate certain behaviors of Nullable<T>, such as the ability to box a nullable value with no value to null, rather than a boxed nullable, as it has special compiler support for that (and a some other) behavior.

How to make return value optional for a method,if possible?

You can't make the return value optional.

Your two options are to either return a null or an empty DataTable:

return new DataTable();


return null;

Which one is right? It depends on your application logic and how much null checking you are willing to do in your calling functions.

Update: (following comment)

This is how to return conditionally (assumes a variable called dataTable):

return dataTable;
return null;

C# Optional Out Parameter

I believe this question is asking about having to assign values inside the method with out parameters, and whether there is any way to circumvent that, i.e. by leaving the values unassigned rather than explicitly having to assign them null.

e.g. Do you have to write:

public bool OutMethod(out int? output)
output = null;
return true;

Or is there a way to do something like:

public bool OutMethod(out int? output)
return true;

With the same result?

Short answer is no, this can't be avoided. See the documentation for an example which includes assigning null explicitly, and states:

Note that the third argument is assigned to null. This allows methods to return values optionally.

Examples of this can also be found in the .NET framework. e.g. Dictionary<TKey,TValue>'s TryGetValue method:

public bool TryGetValue(TKey key, out TValue value)
int num = this.FindEntry(key);
if (num >= 0)
value = this.entries[num].value;
return true;
value = default(TValue);
return false;

Note the explicit assignment to default(TValue)

C# 4.0 optional out/ref arguments

As already mentioned, this is simply not allowed and I think it makes a very good sense.
However, to add some more details, here is a quote from the C# 4.0 Specification, section 21.1:

Formal parameters of constructors, methods, indexers and delegate types can be declared optional:


    attributesopt parameter-modifieropt type identifier default-argumentopt

    = expression

  • A fixed-parameter with a default-argument is an optional parameter, whereas a fixed-parameter without a default-argument is a required parameter.
  • A required parameter cannot appear after an optional parameter in a formal-parameter-list.
  • A ref or out parameter cannot have a default-argument.

Equivalent to Java's Optional.orElse in C#

You can use the ?? operator.

Your code will be updated to:

string x = null;
string y = x ?? "NeedToCheckforNull";

See: ?? Operator (C# Reference)

optional/null-able OUT parameter in C#

That looks fine to me. A out cannot be optional for technical reasons (it needs to point to a valid instance).

Idiomatic optional return values in C#

Exceptions are for exceptional scenario's, not for regular program flow. I guess we're on the same side there.

You would only need an additional return "type" like null when your method both checks for availability and fetches the resource. Take for example the code to get the contents of a file:

if (File.Exists(...))
return false;

string contents = File.ReadAllText(...);
return true;

This requires no exceptions or null return values, and if the file is deleted between checking and opening the file, that could then be considered an exceptional scenario.

However when trying to get an entity from the database, you'd want to combine the availability check and fetching the resource, so that only one query is required. There are alot of programmers that do in fact return null, but since there is no C# law it's hard to keep track of which method does what.

I personally like the bool TryGet(int id, out Entity entity) style, which clearly indicates it does an availability check and fetches the resource if found. If you prefer returning null and want to be more explicit about what your function does, you could use Entity GetOrDefault(int id) as a naming convention. Some framework methods (ie. Linq) are named that way.

In case of returning value types, returning a Nullable<> probably already states what your method is up to. To complete the circle, C# 7 will (as far as I know) add non-nullable reference types.

In the end it's up to you (and your team) what convention you prefer.

Trying to use optional parameters in c#

The problem is that you're using [Optional] instead of the C# language integration for optional parameters. As far as the language is concerned (in terms of the method declaration part), num1 is a required parameter, so it has to come before optInput. The compiler does know about OptionalAttribute when consuming methods, but not when declaring them.

Assuming you wanted both parameters to be optional, use the language integration for both:

public string UserAnswer(string optInput = null, int num1 = 0)

I would strongly advise against using OptionalAttribute explicitly - there's no reason to do so now there's language support, and it's more likely to cause confusion than to help when it comes to anyone else reading the code.

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