Compile to a Stand-Alone Executable (.Exe) in Visual Studio

how to make a standalone exe file

One annoying thing with .NET Core is that when you build it in Visual Studio it makes lots of separate files, which is annoying for portability.

A fix to this is to right-click on your project in Solution Explorer and click Publish. Select Folder Profile, give it a name and save it.

After that, you will need to edit the target runtime option, and set it to win-x86. After that, you should see a dropdown box at the bottom of the dialog, expand it and check 'Produce a single file'.

Then you can hit Publish and it should produce a single file.

NOTE: This does not work in .NET Framework, only .NET Core.

Compile to a stand-alone executable (.exe) in Visual Studio

Anything using the managed environment (which includes anything written in C# and VB.NET) requires the .NET framework. You can simply redistribute your .EXE in that scenario, but they'll need to install the appropriate framework if they don't already have it.

How to make a visual studio C# exe, a standalone executable (by packing dlls with exe)?

You can install a nuget package called Fody

Install-Package Fody -Version 5.1.1

After it is installed, whevener you build your program, all referenced DLLs will be merged with the exe. Check the .net framework version before installing because on top of my head I remember that the current version only works with .net framework 4.6 and later.

Is the visual studio release mode exe file standalone or not?

You could use Microsoft Visual Studio Installer to deploy a Visual C++ Application.

For third-party libraries, you could select static linking version. If there is no static link version and only dll, copy the corresponding dll together when publishing.

For the c++ runtime library, select the static compilation method: Properties->C/C++->Code Generation->Runtime Library->Multi-threaded (/MT).

Also, you could use depends.exe (a Microsoft small tool) to view the dll, and then package it together.

Create a standalone .exe file

  1. There should be other DLL's in the Debug library. You need those to run your exe.

  2. If there are no DLL's there, make sure you set the 'Copy local' property of the required references to True, and build again.

  3. If you want to make a standalone program, you should create a new Setup project in your solution. Include the Primary Output from your application project, and the setup should include the required DLL's automatically. Once you build the setup project, you can install your application as a standalone software.

Compile application in to standalone .exe

It looks like you may be attempting to use CORE 3.0.

In that case you may want to consider using the "--self-contained" flag.


Compile to stand alone exe for C# app in Visual Studio 2010

You just compile it. In the bin\Release (or bin\Debug) folder, the .exe will be in there.

If you're asking how to make an executable which does not rely on the .NET framework at all, then that's a lot harder and you'll need to purchase something like RemoteSoft's Salamader. In general, it's not really worth the bother: Windows Vista comes with .NET framework 2.0 pre-installed already so if you're worried about that, you can just target the 2.0 framework (then only XP users would have to install the framework).

Compile .NET console app as single executable

In Visual Studio, you can right-click on the project, go to properties and specify --standalone in "Other flags". The following screenshot is from VS2015, but I think this looks the same in VS2017.

Also, if you are using both Debug and Release builds, you will need to specify this for both of them.

Sample Image

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