Timeout Pattern - How Bad Is Thread.Abort Really

Timeout Pattern - How bad is Thread.Abort really?

Potentially very bad.

The aborted thread could leave shared state corrupted, could leave asynchronous operations running, ...

See Joe Duffy's blog: "Managed code and asynchronous exception hardening".

Revisiting Thread.Abort() - is it safe?

Thread.Abort is a lot safer than it used to be for the following reasons.

  • The runtime will defer aborts while execution is in unmanaged code.
  • The abort will allow finally blocks to execute.

However, there is still a problem with exactly when the ThreadAbortException gets injected. Consider this code.

public class Example
private DateTime value = DateTime.MinValue;

public void DoSomething()
value = DateTime.UtcNow;

If this code were running on a 32-bit platform the value variable could be corrupted if Thread.Abort was called and the ThreadAbortException were injected in the middle of the write to value. Since DateTime is 8 bytes the write has to take place using more than one instruction.

It is possible to guard against this by placing critical code in a finally block and by using Constrained Execution Regions, but it would be incredibly difficult to get right for all but the simplest types your define. And even then you cannot just put everything in a finally block.

Aborting c# threads

Once a thread is created, is it always alive/live/there (unsure of
proper description) until aborted?

NO, it will be live until the execution of the method block is not completed. It's no more live once the execution completes.

If it's a non threadpool thread then it's over and become non-usable but if it's threadpool thread then it goes and sits back in pool. So that, it can be assigned a new request whenever comes in.

When a thread is aborted/stopped, it will only abort by throwing an

Yes it will throw a ThreadAbortException but why will you abort though?

If you mean to cancel it then try using BackGroundWorker or System.Threading.Tasks.Task instead. See Task Cancellation

C# Aborting a thread: Thread abort is not supported on this platform

Instead of tryng to forcefully abort the thread, you could set a flag to eventually exit the while loop:

private bool _run = true;
public void refreshRoomList()
while (_run)
private void roomListBackButtonClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
_run = false;

What are the bad consequences of ThreadAbortException?

What are the other reasons not to use ThreadAbortExceptions in multithreaded control flow?

Thread.Abort can leave the thread in a very odd state, which can be impossible to handle cleanly.

From the docs for Thread.Abort:

if one thread calls Abort on another thread, the abort interrupts whatever code is running. There is also a chance that a static constructor could be aborted. In rare cases, this might prevent instances of that class from being created in that application domain. In the .NET Framework versions 1.0 and 1.1, there is a chance the thread could abort while a finally block is running, in which case the finally block is aborted.

If you're working in multithreaded code, this can be even more dangerous, as it can trigger a deadlock. This is also documented:

The thread that calls Abort might block if the thread that is being aborted is in a protected region of code, such as a catch block, finally block, or constrained execution region. If the thread that calls Abort holds a lock that the aborted thread requires, a deadlock can occur.

In general, it's far safer and cleaner to use the framework's cooperative cancellation model, and never call Thread.Abort. Using CancellationToken and CancellationTokenSource allows you to design for proper cancellation in a way that's clean and where threads can properly handle their own cleanup.

Question about terminating a thread cleanly in .NET

Unfortunately there may not be a better option. It really depends on your specific scenario. The idea is to stop the thread gracefully at safe points. That is the crux of the reason why Thread.Abort is not good; because it is not guaranteed to occur at safe points. By sprinkling the code with a stopping mechanism you are effectively manually defining the safe points. This is called cooperative cancellation. There are basically 4 broad mechanisms for doing this. You can choose the one that best fits your situation.

Poll a stopping flag

You have already mentioned this method. This a pretty common one. Make periodic checks of the flag at safe points in your algorithm and bail out when it gets signalled. The standard approach is to mark the variable volatile. If that is not possible or inconvenient then you can use a lock. Remember, you cannot mark a local variable as volatile so if a lambda expression captures it through a closure, for example, then you would have to resort to a different method for creating the memory barrier that is required. There is not a whole lot else that needs to be said for this method.

Use the new cancellation mechanisms in the TPL

This is similar to polling a stopping flag except that it uses the new cancellation data structures in the TPL. It is still based on cooperative cancellation patterns. You need to get a CancellationToken and the periodically check IsCancellationRequested. To request cancellation you would call Cancel on the CancellationTokenSource that originally provided the token. There is a lot you can do with the new cancellation mechanisms. You can read more about here.

Use wait handles

This method can be useful if your worker thread requires waiting on an specific interval or for a signal during its normal operation. You can Set a ManualResetEvent, for example, to let the thread know it is time to stop. You can test the event using the WaitOne function which returns a bool indicating whether the event was signalled. The WaitOne takes a parameter that specifies how much time to wait for the call to return if the event was not signaled in that amount of time. You can use this technique in place of Thread.Sleep and get the stopping indication at the same time. It is also useful if there are other WaitHandle instances that the thread may have to wait on. You can call WaitHandle.WaitAny to wait on any event (including the stop event) all in one call. Using an event can be better than calling Thread.Interrupt since you have more control over of the flow of the program (Thread.Interrupt throws an exception so you would have to strategically place the try-catch blocks to perform any necessary cleanup).

Specialized scenarios

There are several one-off scenarios that have very specialized stopping mechanisms. It is definitely outside the scope of this answer to enumerate them all (never mind that it would be nearly impossible). A good example of what I mean here is the Socket class. If the thread is blocked on a call to Send or Receive then calling Close will interrupt the socket on whatever blocking call it was in effectively unblocking it. I am sure there are several other areas in the BCL where similiar techniques can be used to unblock a thread.

Interrupt the thread via Thread.Interrupt

The advantage here is that it is simple and you do not have to focus on sprinkling your code with anything really. The disadvantage is that you have little control over where the safe points are in your algorithm. The reason is because Thread.Interrupt works by injecting an exception inside one of the canned BCL blocking calls. These include Thread.Sleep, WaitHandle.WaitOne, Thread.Join, etc. So you have to be wise about where you place them. However, most the time the algorithm dictates where they go and that is usually fine anyway especially if your algorithm spends most of its time in one of these blocking calls. If you algorithm does not use one of the blocking calls in the BCL then this method will not work for you. The theory here is that the ThreadInterruptException is only generated from .NET waiting call so it is likely at a safe point. At the very least you know that the thread cannot be in unmanaged code or bail out of a critical section leaving a dangling lock in an acquired state. Despite this being less invasive than Thread.Abort I still discourage its use because it is not obvious which calls respond to it and many developers will be unfamiliar with its nuances.

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