How to Work with Time Zones in ASP.NET

How to work with time zones in ASP.NET?

First thing is to make sure which time zone your data is in. I would recommend making sure that any DateTime that you store, is stored in UTC time (use the DateTime.ToUniversalTime() to get hold of it).

When you are to store a reminder for a user, you will need the current UTC time, add or remove the user's time zone difference, and convert that new time back to UTC; this is what you want to store in the DB.

Then, when you want to check for reminders to send, you simply need to look in the database for reminders to send out now, according to UTC time; essentially get all reminders that have a time stamp that is before DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime().

Update with some implementation specifics:
You can get a list of time zones from the TimeZoneInfo.GetSystemTimeZones() method; you can use those to show a list of time zones for the user. If you store the Id property from the selected time zone, you can create a TimeZoneInfo class instance from it, and calculate the UTC time for a given local date/time value:

TimeZoneInfo tzi = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("<the time zone id>");
// May 7, 08:04:00
DateTime userDateTime = new DateTime(2009, 5, 7, 8, 4, 0);
DateTime utcDateTime = userDateTime.Subtract(tzi.BaseUtcOffset);

How to enable Time Zone support for ASP.NET Core API?

Presuming you mean to have the user select entire days in their time zone, the issue is in the way you've created the start and end dates in your JavaScript code. Keep in mind that a JavaScript Date object represents a point in time (not a whole date), and that new Date() gives the point in time that is now.

Thus, you should probably create your start and end dates like this instead, so they are inclusive of the entire day rather than just the remainder of the day after the time ran the code.

var startDate = new Date();   // get the current "now"
startDate.setHours(0,0,0,0); // adjust to the start of the local day
var endDate = new Date(startDate); // copy to another instance
endDate.setDate(endDate.getDate() + 7); // advance 7 days

How to change time zone for an application

Sorry there is no way in .NET to change the time zone globally.

The only way you have is to change the timezone of your server or rewrite all of your code.

The best practice is to not rely on the system time zone at all (never use DateTime.Now).

You should handle all date as Utc dates and then convert to a specific zone when displaying them to users.

Even if you manage to handle timezones in your ASP.NET application, there are still timezones on SQL Server, for example GETTIME funtion. If your application is entirely written in UTC, your SQL server function will work as well.

How to elegantly deal with timezones

Not that this is a recommendation, its more sharing of a paradigm, but the most agressive way I've seen of handling timezone information in a web app (which is not exclusive to ASP.NET MVC) was the following:

  • All date times on the server are UTC.
    That means using, like you said, DateTime.UtcNow.

  • Try to trust the client passing dates to the server as little as possible. For example, if you need "now", don't create a date on the client and then pass it to the server. Either create a date in your GET and pass it to the ViewModel or on POST do DateTime.UtcNow.

So far, pretty standard fare, but this is where things get 'interesting'.

  • If you have to accept a date from the client, then use javascript to make sure the data that you are posting to the server is in UTC. The client knows what timezone it is in, so it can with reasonable accuracy convert times into UTC.

  • When rendering views, they were using the HTML5 <time> element, they would never render datetimes directly in the ViewModel. It was implemented as as HtmlHelper extension, something like Html.Time(Model.when). It would render <time datetime='[utctime]' data-date-format='[datetimeformat]'></time>.

    Then they would use javascript to translate UTC time into the clients local time. The script would find all the <time> elements and use the date-format data property to format the date and populate the contents of the element.

This way they never had to keep track of, store, or manage a clients timezone. The server didn't care what timezone the client was in, nor had to do any timezone translations. It simply spit out UTC and let the client convert that into something that was reasonable. Which is easy from the browser, because it knows what timezone it is in. If the client changed his/her timezone, the web application would automatically update itself. The only thing that they stored were the datetime format string for the locale of the user.

I'm not saying it was the best approach, but it was a different one that I had not seen before. Maybe you'll glean some interesting ideas from it.

Asp.Net, SQL and TimeZones

You may find that there is not one single "right" way to handle all of this. There are multiple approaches to the several different problems you describe in your question. I will attempt to clarify a few points.

  • First, don't ever attempt to think about local time on a server. Your code and data should not have to change based on where you deploy it. You said your server was in the USA, but there are multiple time zones to consider, and many servers will have their time zone set to UTC regardless of their physical location.

    You should avoid GETDATE() or SYSDATETIME() in SQL Server. If you need a current timestamp in SQL, use GETUTCDATE() or SYSUTCDATETIME(). If for some reason the server's time zone is important to you, use SYSDATETIMEOFFSET() instead.

    Likewise, avoid using DateTime.Now in .Net from any server-side code. Use DateTime.UtcNow or DateTimeOffset.UtcNow for a UTC timestamp, or use DateTimeOffset.Now if for some reason the server's time zone is important to you.

    You can read more about this in my blog post: The Case Against DateTime.Now

  • Next, let's talk about the data type you're using. The date type in SQL Server stores just a date. That's it. No time, no offset, and no time zone. An example would be 2013-08-11. You should use it when you really mean a whole calendar date. There is no worldwide uniform context of "today". Instead, everyone has their own meaning based on their time zone. Also, not every calendar day is 24 hours in length. A day could be 23, 23.5, 24, 24.5 or 25 hours long, depending on how daylight saving time is applied in the particular time zone, and if you are evaluating the day of a DST transition.

    In .Net - there is no Date type, so a SQL date is converted to a DateTime with the time set to midnight (00:00:00), and the kind set to Unspecified. But don't fool yourself - the time isn't suddenly midnight, we are just filling in zeros for the time. This can lead to a lot of error and confusion. (If you want to avoid that, you can try Noda Time, which has a LocalDate type for this purpose.)

  • What you really need to be thinking about, and haven't defined in your question, is this:

    What exact moment does a project start?

    Right now you are just saying 2013-08-11, which doesn't refer to a specific moment in time. Do you mean the beginning of that day in a particular time zone? Or do you mean the beginning of that day according to the user's time zone? Those might not be the same thing. You can't compare to anyone's "now" (utc, local, or otherwise) unless you know what moment in time you are talking about.

    If the project starts at an exact moment in time worldwide, then the easiest thing would be to store a datetime (or datetime2) type that contains that precise time in UTC. So you might say that a project starts at 2013-08-10T14:00:00Z - which would be exactly midnight on August 11th in Sydney, Australia. In .Net, you would use a DateTime type with the .Kind set to Utc.

    Another way you could represent this is by storing a datetimeoffset type that has a value of 2013-08-11T00:00:00+10:00 - which is the same moment in time, but uses the offset to give you a value that is pre-converted. (Sydney is at UTC+10 on that date). You would use the DateTimeOffset type to work with this in .Net.

    But if the project starts at different times depending on the user, then it's not really an exact moment in time. It's more of a "floating" start. If users from different places around the world are assigned to the same project, then some users could be starting before others. If that's your intention, then you can just use the date type if all projects start at midnight, or you can use a datetime or (datetime2) type if projects might start at different times. In your .Net code, you would use a DateTime type with the .Kind set to Unspecified.

  • With regard to getting the user's time zone, the best thing you could do would be to ask them. Despite the common misconception - you can't just get it from the browser. All you could tell from the browser is what their current offset is. (Read the "TimeZone != Offset" section of the timezone tag wiki).

    When asking the user for their time zone, if you decide to use Windows time zones you can produce a dropdown list from the TimeZoneInfo.GetSystemTimeZones method. The .Id is the key you store in your database, and you show the .DisplayName to the user. Later you can use the TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById method to get a TimeZoneInfo object that you can use for conversions.

    If you wanted to be more precise, you could use IANA time zones instead of the Windows time zones. For that, I recommend using a map-based timezone picker control, such as this one. You might also use jsTimeZoneDetect to guess a default value for your control. On the server you would use Noda Time to perform time zone conversions.

  • There is an approach that doesn't require time zone conversions. Basically, you do everything in UTC. That includes transmitting the time to the browser in UTC. You can then use JavaScript to get the user's current time in UTC and compare against that.

    You can use various functions of the JavaScript Date class to do this if you wish. But you may find it easier to work with a library such as moment.js.

    While this approach is viable for many things, security is not one of them. Your user can easily change the clock of their computer to work around this.

  • Another approach would be to compare server-side against UTC. If you have the exact UTC starting time in your database, then you can just check DateTime.UtcNow in your .Net code and use that to decide what to do. You won't need the user's time zone to make this comparison, but you will need it if you want to show them what that means in their local time.

I hope this clears up the confusion and didn't make it worse! :) If you have additional concerns, please edit your question or ask in comments.


In response to your updated question, I suggest you try the following:

var timeZoneId = "Eastern Standard Time"; // from your user's selection
var timeZone = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById(timeZoneId);
var nowInTimeZone = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeFromUtc(DateTime.UtcNow, timeZone);
var todayInTimeZone = nowInTimeZone.Date;

var i = ResourceCosts.FirstOrDefault(t => t.StartDate <= todayInTimeZone &&
(!t.EndDate.HasValue || t.EndDate >= todayInTimeZone));

Of course this means that in your StartDate and EndDate fields, you are not storing these as UTC - but rather as the "business dates" that are relevant to the user. These only line up to a specific moment in time when you apply a time zone, so the same UTC timestamp could fall on different dates depending on what the user's time zone is.

Also, you are using fully inclusive ranges, which is usually OK for these kind calendar date ranges. But make sure you realize that there could be overlap. So if you have 2013-01-01 - 2013-02-01 and 2013-02-01 - 2013-03-01, then there is that one day 2013-02-01 that is in both ranges.

A common way around this problem is to use half-open intervals, [start,end). In other words, start <= now && end > now. But this is more common when using a full date and time instead of just a date. You might not need to do this, but you should at least think about it for your particular scenario.

Modifying dates in ASP.NET MVC C# based on stored time zone

You can get a list of timezones System.TimeZoneInfo.

var timeZones = System.TimeZoneInfo.GetSystemTimeZones();

foreach ( var timeZone in timeZones )
Console.WriteLine( "{0} - {1}", timeZone.Id, timeZone.DisplayName );

You can use that list to populate a dropdown list on the users profile page. The selected value should be stored with each user's profile data.

You can then use TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTime to convert any date time to the users time zone. Assuming you know which time zone it was created it.

var now = DateTime.Now;
Console.WriteLine( now );
Console.WriteLine( System.TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTime( now, TimeZoneInfo.Local, TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById( "China Standard Time" ) ) );

As far as where to do this conversion goes you can do it in your controller rather then the view. Your best bet would be to create a view model on top of of Topic where you do the conversion.

Other wise create a helper function to do the conversion which is accessible from your views and use it appropriately. Personally I wouldn't be afraid of doing this in the view.

Be weary of attempting to do the conversion in the database, you'll severely limit the ability to perform object caching on the data returned from the database.

Also, Consider converting all dates to UTC time before inserting them into the database. This will make sorting correct (in regards to daylight savings) and also limit any issues that may arise if the hosting environment was moved time zones or hosted across time zones.

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