Text Property in a Usercontrol in C#

Text property in a UserControl in C#

You need more attributes:

public override string Text { get; set; }

How to expose TextBox Text Property in a User Control

A solution for this problem is a custom ParentControlDesigner where you can override the InitializeNewComponent method to set or clear the Text property.


using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Windows.Forms.Design;
using System.Security.Permissions;

namespace YourProject
public partial class MyUserControl : UserControl
public MyUserControl()

// Update the base.Text whenever the TextBox.Text property is changed.
textBox1.TextChanged += (s, e) =>
if (textBox1.Text != Text) Text = textBox1.Text;

// Get and set the text of the base property instead of the TextBox's
// to get the TextChanged event raised.
public override string Text
get => base.Text;
set => base.Text = value;

protected override void OnTextChanged(EventArgs e)
// Update the TextBox.Text property whenever the base property is changed.
if (Text != textBox1.Text) textBox1.Text = Text;

// If you need to handle the TextChanged event...
/// <inheritdoc cref="Control.TextChanged"/>
[Browsable(true), EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Always)]
public new event EventHandler TextChanged
add { base.TextChanged += value; }
remove { base.TextChanged -= value; }

[PermissionSet(SecurityAction.Demand, Name = "FullTrust")]
public class MyUserControlDesigner : ParentControlDesigner
public override void InitializeNewComponent(IDictionary defaultValues)

if (Component is MyUserControl c) c.Text = "StephenH"; // c.Text = "";

How to expose the Text property of a UserControl?

You're on the right track; just add [DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Visible)]

To find out when it changes, override OnTextChanged:

protected override void OnTextChanged (EventArgs eventArgs)
System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("OnTextChanged(): eventArgs: " + eventArgs);

Why is the Text property of UserControl not present in Intellisense?

try with below attributes

public override string Text

ForeColor for UserControl

It's a common property derived from Control. For most controls it sets text color for control.

In a UserControl, if you don't set a ForeColor for child controls of your UserControl, they will use their parent's ForeColor. Also if you want to customize rendering of your control, you can use its value for rendering text.

User Control - Custom Properties

You do this via attributes on the properties, like this:

[Description("Test text displayed in the textbox"),Category("Data")] 
public string Text {
get => myInnerTextBox.Text;
set => myInnerTextBox.Text = value;

The category is the heading under which the property will appear in the Visual Studio Properties box. Here's a more complete MSDN reference, including a list of categories.

How to Access a Textbox Value from Page to UserControl

try something like:

TextBox txt= (TextBox)this.Parent.FindControl("txtid");

that would go in your usercontrol. this.Parent should get you a reference to the example.aspx page.

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