String.Replace Ignoring Case

String.Replace ignoring case

You could use a Regex and perform a case insensitive replace:

class Program
static void Main()
string input = "hello WoRlD";
string result =
Regex.Replace(input, "world", "csharp", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
Console.WriteLine(result); // prints "hello csharp"

How to ignore case in String.replace

Use a regular expression:

var regex = new Regex( "camel", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase );
var newSentence = regex.Replace( sentence, "horse" );

Of course, this will also match words containing camel, but it's not clear if you want that or not.

If you need exact matches you can use a custom MatchEvaluator.

public static class Evaluators
public static string Wrap( Match m, string original, string format )
// doesn't match the entire string, otherwise it is a match
if (m.Length != original.Length)
// has a preceding letter or digit (i.e., not a real match).
if (m.Index != 0 && char.IsLetterOrDigit( original[m.Index - 1] ))
return m.Value;
// has a trailing letter or digit (i.e., not a real match).
if (m.Index + m.Length != original.Length && char.IsLetterOrDigit( original[m.Index + m.Length] ))
return m.Value;
// it is a match, apply the format
return string.Format( format, m.Value );

Used with the previous example to wrap the match in a span as:

var regex = new Regex( highlightedWord, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase );
foreach (var sentence in sentences)
var evaluator = new MatchEvaluator( match => Evaluators.Wrap( match, sentence, "<span class='red'>{0}</span>" ) );
Console.WriteLine( regex.Replace( sentence, evaluator ) );

Replace String ignoring case in Java

String.replace() doesn't support regex. You need String.replaceAll().

DeleteLine.replaceAll("(?i)" + Pattern.quote(Checkout), "");

C# Replace string case insensitive

If the answer from the duplicate question does't help you, here is the code in your case (notice I removed the while loop - the condition in it is false if casing is different and also you don't really need it):

foreach (string fWord in FilteredWords)
Input = Regex.Replace(Input, fWord, "****", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

For example, the code below

string fWord = "abc";
input = "AbC";
input = Regex.Replace(input, fWord, "****", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

produces the value ****.

How to do a case-insensitive string replacement

Could use a regular expression.
Just add (?i) before your string to ignore case.

So for example:

multiword.getString().replaceAll ( "(?i)radha", "sai");

how to replace a string ignoring case?

Without Regex, I don't know.

With Regex, it would give you something like this :

var regex = new Regex( str, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase );
var newSentence = regex.Replace( sentence, "new value" );

I found an interesting article here, with a sample code that looks to work faster than Regex.Replace :

Javascript | case-insensitive string replace

With a case-insensitive regular expression:

function boldString(str, find) {  var reg = new RegExp('('+find+')', 'gi');  return str.replace(reg, '<b>$1</b>');}console.log(boldString('Apple', 'ap'))

How to replace case-insensitive literal substrings in Java

String target = "FOOBar";
target = target.replaceAll("(?i)foo", "");



It's worth mentioning that replaceAll treats the first argument as a regex pattern, which can cause unexpected results. To solve this, also use Pattern.quote as suggested in the comments.

Is there an alternative to string.Replace that is case-insensitive?


$0 - "Substitutes the last substring matched by group number number (decimal)."

In .NET Regular expressions group 0 is always the entire match. For a literal $ you need to

string value = Regex.Replace("%PolicyAmount%", "%PolicyAmount%", @"$$0", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

JavaScript replace all ignoring case sensitivity

You will get the result you want using capture groups and the i (ignoreCase) modifier. You can reference the capture group with $1.

var result = "Cooker Works";var searchterm = "cooker wor";
searchterm.split(" ").forEach(function(item) { result = result.replace(new RegExp(`(${item})`, 'ig'), "<strong>$1</strong>");});

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