Passing Just a Type as a Parameter in C#

Passing just a type as a parameter in C#

There are two common approaches. First, you can pass System.Type

object GetColumnValue(string columnName, Type type)
// Here, you can check specific types, as needed:

if (type == typeof(int)) { // ...

This would be called like: int val = (int)GetColumnValue(columnName, typeof(int));

The other option would be to use generics:

T GetColumnValue<T>(string columnName)
// If you need the type, you can use typeof(T)...

This has the advantage of avoiding the boxing and providing some type safety, and would be called like: int val = GetColumnValue<int>(columnName);

Passing type as a parameter

Use generics:

public (bool,Point) GetItemPosition<T>() where T: IMyBaseType

In the method, you would refer to the passed in type as T. You can check, for example, if an object obj is of type T with is:

if (obj is T) { ... }

The caller would look like:


How to pass an Object type to Type parameter in C#

The typeof keyword when you know the class at compile time.


You can also use object.GetType() on instances that you don't know their type at compile time.

c# passing class type member as parameter works as call by value

From the ref documentation

When used in a method's parameter list, the ref keyword indicates that an argument is passed by reference, not by value. The ref keyword makes the formal parameter an alias for the argument, which must be a variable.

So I'll try to explain the makes the formal parameter an alias as simple as possible.

Without ref

Imagine the stageTerrain from private MapEntity stageTerrain = new MapEntity(); as a box holding an address.

Imagine the mapEntity from public void RandomChoice(MapEntity mapEntity) as another NEW box.

  • If you change a property of the mapEntity before assigning a new object, it will also change the value of the calling variable.

When you call the RandomChoice the mapEntity is a new box holding the same memory address as the stageTerrain box.

Now mapEntity = stageTerrains[Random.Range(0,selectedList.Count)]; will assign the selected value only to the New box.

With ref

Imagine the mapEntity from public void RandomChoice(ref MapEntity mapEntity) as an alias for an already existing box that will hold the memory reference just with a different name. (thus the alias statement)

When you call the RandomChoice the mapEntity is the stageTerrain box.

C# Is it possible to pass a type into a method and have the method return an object of that type?

In your given example you are probably better served just doing the following:

MyClass val = myObject as MyClass;

However to answer your question - yes, the answer is to use generics:

protected T GetAValue<T>(object someObject)
if (someObject is T)
return (T)someObject;
// We cannot return null as T may not be nullable
// see
return default(T);

In this method T is a type parameter. You can use T in your code in exactly the same way that you would any other type (for example a string), however note that in this case we haven't placed any restriction on what T is, and so objects of type T only have the properties and methods of the base object (GetType(), ToString() etc...)

We must obviously declare what T is before we can use it - for example:

MyClass val = GetAValue<MyClass>(myObject);
string strVal = GetAValue<string>(someObject);

For more information take a look at the MSDN documentation on Generics

How to pass any type of object as input parameter with only 1 method

If this service does not need to be interoperable, you can switch to NetDataContractSerializer, which uses full .NET type information, and is able to serialize many more types (but not any type - that's impossible).

Grab the UseNetDataContractSerializerAttribute from this answer and apply like so:

public class PdfPrinterService : IPdfPrinter
public PdfPrinterResponse Print(PdfPrinterRequest request)
return PdfPrinterFacade.PrintPdf(request);

public class PdfPrinterRequest
public object Document { get; set; }

How do I use reflection to call a generic method?

You need to use reflection to get the method to start with, then "construct" it by supplying type arguments with MakeGenericMethod:

MethodInfo method = typeof(Sample).GetMethod(nameof(Sample.GenericMethod));
MethodInfo generic = method.MakeGenericMethod(myType);
generic.Invoke(this, null);

For a static method, pass null as the first argument to Invoke. That's nothing to do with generic methods - it's just normal reflection.

As noted, a lot of this is simpler as of C# 4 using dynamic - if you can use type inference, of course. It doesn't help in cases where type inference isn't available, such as the exact example in the question.

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