Method Signature in C#

Method Signature in C#

Return type is not part of the method signature in C#. Only the method name and its parameters types (but not the parameter names) are part of the signature. You cannot, for example, have these two methods:

int DoSomething(int a, int b);
string DoSomething(int a, int b);

To be clear: Methods cannot be overloaded based on their return type. They must have a unique name, unique parameter types, or pass their arguments differently (e.g. using out or ref).

Edit: To answer your original question, the method signature for your method is:

DoSomething(int, int)

Note that this all applies to normal methods. If you're talking about delegates, then you should see keyboardP's answer. (Short version: return type IS part of the signature for a delegate).

What is a method signature in c# now?

Per Section 3.6 of the C# language specification, the method signature does not include the return type (explicit) or the access modifier (by omission):

The signature of a method consists of the name of the method, the number of type parameters and the type and kind (value, reference, or output) of each of its formal parameters, considered in the order left to right. For these purposes, any type parameter of the method that occurs in the type of a formal parameter is identified not by its name, but by its ordinal position in the type argument list of the method. The signature of a method specifically does not include the return type, the params modifier that may be specified for the right-most parameter, nor the optional type parameter constraints.

The return type / return value is part of the signature of the method?

The return value of a method must strictly follow the return type of its method so you could technically use the two terms interchangeably when talking about method signatures which it looks like they've done in the excerpt, albeit confusing.

In the case of method overloading the return type is not considered part of the method signature as the compiler cannot determine on return type alone which methods to use and as such the return type is not included in the method signature. For example consider the following overloaded methods where only the return type differs:

public int GetResult() { }
public double GetResult() { }

If we were to call this method, how would the compiler know which method to use?

var result = GetResult();

However as the language definition states: the method name, number of generic types, number of and type of each formal parameter and out/ref/value parameters are part of the method signature when overloading so for example if you wanted to overload then you could do:

public int GetResult() { }
public int GetResult(int x) { }

There are cases where the return type of a method is considered part of the signature such as delegates since the method must have the same return type as the delegate declaration. As per the C# specification:

In the context of method overloading, the signature of a method does not include the return value. But in the context of delegates, the signature does include the return value. In other words, a method must have the same return type as the delegate.

Definition of a method signature?

There are a number of correct answer here which define the method signature as the method name, generic arity, formal parameter arity and formal parameter types and kinds, but not the return type or "params" modifier.

Though that is correct, there are some subtleties here. The way the C# language defines method signature is different from the way the CLR defines method signature, and that can lead to some interesting problems when interoperating between C# and other languages.

For the CLR, a method signature consists of the method name, generic arity, formal parameter arity, formal parameter types and kinds, and return type. So there is the first difference; the CLR considers return type.

The CLR also does not consider "out" and "ref" to be of different formal parameter kinds; C# does.

The CLR also has an interesting feature called "optional and required type modifiers", usually called "modopts" and "modreqs". It is possible to annotate a type in a method signature with another type that tells you about the "main" type. For example, in C++ these are two different signatures:

void M(C const & x);
void M(C & x);

Both signatures define a method M that takes a parameter of type "reference to C". But because the first one is a const reference and the second is not, the C++ language considers these to be different signatures. The CLR implements this by allowing the C++/CIL compiler to emit a modopt for a special "this is const" type on the formal parameter type.

There is no way to read or set a mod in C#, but the C# compiler nevertheless knows about them and will honour them in some ways. For example, if you had a public virtual method declared in C++/CIL like:

void V(C const * x)

and you override that in a derived class written in C#, the C# compiler will not enforce const correctness for you; the C# compiler has no idea what the const modopt means. But the C# compiler will ensure that the overriding method is emitted into metadata with the modopt in place. This is necessary because the CLR requires signatures of overriding and overridden methods to match; the compiler has to obey the CLR rules for signature matching, not the C# rules.

C# pass a method as a parameter without specifying a method signature

Your only real option is object function(object[]){} but as you say there are huge issues with interpreting the object actual type. C# is a strongly typed language unlike javascript and so the capabilities that you want are just not possible, and if they are then they shouldn't be used because you'll lose all of the advantages of using a strongly typed language in the first place.

Method signatures, overloading, overriding: are all these terms related?

Overloading is having several functions with the same name, but different parameters. For example

For example

void SayHi(string name) { ... }
void SayHi(string, int age) {.... }

these are overloads.

An override "replaces" an existing function, so you're taking an existing function and providing an entirely new one with the same name and same parameters

class Person
public virtual void SayHi(string name)
// ....

class Teenager : Person
public override void SayHi(string name)
// ....

The method signature is related to overriding in the way that the new, overriding function must have the same method signature as the method that it tries to override, and also the same return type.

The method signature is related to overloading in such a way that overloads must have different method signatures.

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