Convert Words (String) to Int

Convert words (string) to Int

Did this for fun... there's probably many edge cases that would fail...

private static Dictionary<string,long> numberTable=
new Dictionary<string,long>
public static long ToLong(string numberString)
var numbers = Regex.Matches(numberString, @"\w+").Cast<Match>()
.Select(m => m.Value.ToLowerInvariant())
.Where(v => numberTable.ContainsKey(v))
.Select(v => numberTable[v]);
long acc = 0,total = 0L;
foreach(var n in numbers)
if(n >= 1000)
total += (acc * n);
acc = 0;
else if(n >= 100){
acc *= n;
else acc += n;
return (total + acc) * ( numberString.StartsWith("minus",
StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) ? -1 : 1);

Convert a number-word (String) to its Integer Value

You have an interesting approach to this problem. A couple of things to change:

  1. I don't see where you set your divider index.

  2. You seem to be doing a lot of work with character arrays, so I'm guessing you're coming from a different language. Sticking with Strings will work fine.

  3. You don't address the "teens". This looks like a simple oversight.

I've added those fixes while attempting maintain the original approach:

public static void main(String [] args) {

Scanner scInput = new Scanner(;
String word = scInput.nextLine();

int total = 0;
int tensValue = 0; //number's tens value (i.e. 30)
int onesValue = 0; //ones value (i.e. 3)

int divider = word.indexOf('-');
String tens = null;
String ones = null;
if (divider != -1) {
tens = word.substring(0, divider);
ones = word.substring(divider + 1);
} else {
ones = word;

//searches for matches in String array for tens
if (tens != null) {
for (int u = 0; u < wTENS.length; u++) {
if (tens.equals(wTENS[u])) {
tensValue = nTENS[u];
total += tensValue;

//searches for matches in String array for ones
for(int u = 0; u < wONES.length; u++) {
if (ones.equals(wONES[u])) {
onesValue = nONES[u];
total += onesValue;

// if a "teen" override what's in total
for(int u = 0; u < wTEENS.length; u++) {
if (ones.equals(wTEENS[u])) {
total = nTEENS[u];


How to convert any word into an integer in Python

You can use built-in hash function:

>>> hash('hello')

Convert String of words/letters into an Integer

If you're just trying to convert an arbitrary string into a random seed, then why not try randomSeed.GetHashCode()? That will return an int value suitable for setting the seed, which would produce the same number each time the same string is entered. How to convert the string one to an integer 1

There is no built-in library to convert words to numbers.

If you have a finite list of words that you want to convert, then you can store them in a dictionary and get the value by its key. E.g.:

Dim wordsToNumber = New Dictionary(Of String, Integer)() From {
{ "One", 1 },
{ "Two", 2 },
{ "Three", 3 }

Dim input = "One"
If (wordsToNumber.ContainsKey(input)) Then
Dim beginningValue = wordsToNumber(input)
End If

However, if you want to allow for any combination (e.g. One Thousand Twenty Five) then it is best to go with an existing algorithm. Here is a C# example that can be put through a converter:

Numeric words in a string into numbers

I have tried to port a text2num Python library to PHP, mix it with a regex for matching English spelled out numbers, enhanced it to the decillion, and here is a result:

function text2num($s) {
// Enhanced the regex at
$reg = <<<REGEX
(?x) # free-spacing mode
# Within this DEFINE block, we'll define many subroutines
# They build on each other like lego until we can define
# a "big number"

# The basic regex:
# one|two|three|four|five|six|seven|eight|nine
# We'll use an optimized version:
# Option 1: four|eight|(?:fiv|(?:ni|o)n)e|t(?:wo|hree)|
# s(?:ix|even)
# Option 2:
) # end one_to_9 definition

# The basic regex:
# ten|eleven|twelve|thirteen|fourteen|fifteen|sixteen|seventeen|
# eighteen|nineteen
# We'll use an optimized version:
# Option 1: twelve|(?:(?:elev|t)e|(?:fif|eigh|nine|(?:thi|fou)r|
# s(?:ix|even))tee)n
# Option 2:
) # end ten_to_19 definition

# The basic regex:
# twenty|thirty|forty|fifty|sixty|seventy|eighty|ninety
# We'll use an optimized version:
# Option 1: (?:fif|six|eigh|nine|(?:tw|sev)en|(?:thi|fo)r)ty
# Option 2:
) # end two_digit_prefix definition

(?&two_digit_prefix)(?:[- ](?&one_to_9))?|(?&ten_to_19)|
) # end one_to_99 definition

(?&one_to_9)[ ]hundred(?:[ ](?:and[ ])?(?&one_to_99))?|
) # end one_to_999 definition

(?&one_to_999)[ ]thousand(?:[ ](?&one_to_999))?|
) # end one_to_999_999 definition

(?&one_to_999)[ ]million(?:[ ](?&one_to_999_999))?|
) # end one_to_999_999_999 definition

(?&one_to_999)[ ]billion(?:[ ](?&one_to_999_999_999))?|
) # end one_to_999_999_999_999 definition

(?&one_to_999)[ ]trillion(?:[ ](?&one_to_999_999_999_999))?|
) # end one_to_999_999_999_999_999 definition
# ==== MORE ====
(?&one_to_999)[ ]quadrillion(?:[ ](?&one_to_999_999_999_999_999))?|
) # end one_to_quadrillion definition
(?&one_to_999)[ ]quintillion(?:[ ](?&one_to_quadrillion))?|
) # end one_to_quintillion definition
(?&one_to_999)[ ]sextillion(?:[ ](?&one_to_quintillion))?|
) # end one_to_sextillion definition
(?&one_to_999)[ ]septillion(?:[ ](?&one_to_sextillion))?|
) # end one_to_septillion definition
(?&one_to_999)[ ]octillion(?:[ ](?&one_to_septillion))?|
) # end one_to_octillion definition
(?&one_to_999)[ ]nonillion(?:[ ](?&one_to_octillion))?|
) # end one_to_nonillion definition
(?&one_to_999)[ ]decillion(?:[ ](?&one_to_nonillion))?|
) # end one_to_decillion definition

) # end bignumber definition

) # end zero to 9 definition

# (?<decimals>
# point(?:[ ](?&zero_to_9))+
# ) # end decimals definition

) # End DEFINE

####### The Regex Matching Starts Here ########
return preg_replace_callback('~' . trim($reg) . '~i', function ($x) {
return text2num_internal($x[0]);
}, $s);
function text2num_internal($s) {
// Port of
$Small = [
'zero'=> 0,
'one'=> 1,
'two'=> 2,
'three'=> 3,
'four'=> 4,
'five'=> 5,
'six'=> 6,
'seven'=> 7,
'eight'=> 8,
'nine'=> 9,
'ten'=> 10,
'eleven'=> 11,
'twelve'=> 12,
'thirteen'=> 13,
'fourteen'=> 14,
'fifteen'=> 15,
'sixteen'=> 16,
'seventeen'=> 17,
'eighteen'=> 18,
'nineteen'=> 19,
'twenty'=> 20,
'thirty'=> 30,
'forty'=> 40,
'fifty'=> 50,
'sixty'=> 60,
'seventy'=> 70,
'eighty'=> 80,
'ninety'=> 90

$Magnitude = [
'thousand'=> 1000,
'million'=> 1000000,
'billion'=> 1000000000,
'trillion'=> 1000000000000,
'quadrillion'=> 1000000000000000,
'quintillion'=> 1000000000000000000,
'sextillion'=> 1000000000000000000000,
'septillion'=> 1000000000000000000000000,
'octillion'=> 1000000000000000000000000000,
'nonillion'=> 1000000000000000000000000000000,
'decillion'=> 1000000000000000000000000000000000,

$a = preg_split("~[\s-]+(?:and[\s-]+)?~u", $s);
$a = array_map('strtolower', $a);
$n = 0;
$g = 0;
foreach ($a as $w) {
if (isset($Small[$w])) {
$g = $g + $Small[$w];
else if ($w == "hundred" && $g != 0) {
$g = $g * 100;
else {
$x = $Magnitude[$w];
if (strlen($x) > 0) {
$n =$n + $g * $x;
$g = 0;
throw new Exception("Unknown number: " . $w);
return $n + $g;

echo text2num("one") . "\n"; // 1
echo text2num("twelve") . "\n"; // 12
echo text2num("seventy two") . "\n"; // 72
echo text2num("three hundred") . "\n"; // 300
echo text2num("twelve hundred") . "\n"; // 1200
echo text2num("twelve thousand three hundred four") . "\n"; // 12304
echo text2num("six million") . "\n"; // 6000000
echo text2num("six million four hundred thousand five") . "\n"; // 6400005
echo text2num("one hundred twenty three billion four hundred fifty six million seven hundred eighty nine thousand twelve") . "\n"; # // 123456789012
echo text2num("four decillion") . "\n"; // 4000000000000000000000000000000000
echo text2num("five hundred and thirty-seven") . "\n"; // 537
echo text2num("five hundred and thirty seven") . "\n"; // 537

See the PHP demo.

The regex can actually match either just big numbers or numbers like "eleven hundred", see \b(?:(?&ten_to_19)\s+hundred|(?&bignumber))\b. It can be further enhanced. E.g. word boundaries may be replaced with other boundary types (like (?<!\S) and (?!\S) to match in between whitespaces, etc.).

Decimal part in the regex is commented out since even if we match it, the num2text won't handle them.

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