Marshal C++ Int Array to C#

Marshal C++ int array to C#

public static extern IntPtr fnwrapper_intarr();

IntPtr ptr = fnwrapper_intarr();
int[] result = new int[3];
Marshal.Copy(ptr, result, 0, 3);

You need also to write Release function in unmanaged Dll, which deletes pointer created by fnwrapper_intarr. This function must accept IntPtr as parameter.

DLL_EXPORT void fnwrapper_release(int* pArray)
delete[] pArray;

public static extern void fnwrapper_release(IntPtr ptr);

IntPtr ptr = fnwrapper_intarr();

How To Marshal Int Arrays Or Pointers To Int Arrays

It isn't a SafeArray. A SafeArray is something connected to Variants and the good old times of OLE :-) It probably lives in the dictionary near the word "dodo".

It is:

[DllImport(dllName, CallingConvention=CallingConvention.StdCall)]
static extern void ReadStuff(int id, int[] buffer);

the marshaler will do the "right" thing.


[DllImport(dllName, CallingConvention=CallingConvention.StdCall)]
static extern void ReadStuff(int id, IntPtr buffer);

but then it's more complex to use.

The CallingConvention=CallingConvention.StdCall is the default one, so it isn't necessary to write it out explicitly.

You use this way:

// call
int[] array = new int[12];
ReadStuff(1, array);

A ref int[] would be a int** (but it could be complex to pass, because normally you RECEIVE the array, not SEND the array :-) )

Note that your "interface" is quite poor: you can't tell to ReadStuff the length of your buffer, nor can you receive the necessary length of the buffer, nor can you receive the number of characters of the buffer that were really used.

how to marshal c++ array to c# via IntPtr

The issue appears to be that C++ uint8_t is an unsigned byte, and C# int is a signed 4 byte integer. So you have a simple mismatch of types. The C# type that matches uint8_t is byte.

Your callback should be:

void callbackTester(IntPtr pData, uint length)
byte[] data = new byte[length];
Marshal.Copy(pData, data, 0, (int)length);

Marshal C++ struct array into C#

I would try adding some attributes to your struct decloration

[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Size=TotalBytesInStruct),Serializable]
public struct LPRData
/// char[15]
[MarshalAsAttribute(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 15)]
public string data;

/// int[15]
[MarshalAsAttribute(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 15)]
public int[] prob;

*Note TotalBytesInStruct is not intended to represent a variable

JaredPar is also correct that using the IntPtr class could be helpful, but it has been quite awhile since I have used PInvoke so I'm rusty.

How do I marshal a structure containing a array of int of unknown size?

You can't.
You should allocate and free memory by same runtime library.

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