Deserialize JSON to Anonymous Object

Deserialize JSON to anonymous object

JSON.Net is a powerful library to work with JSON in .Net

There's a method DeserializeAnonymousType you can tap in to.

Update: Json.Net is now included with ASP.Net, however my latest favorite that I use is JsonFX. It's got great linq support as well, check it out.

Update 2: I've moved on from JsonFX, and currently use ServiceStack.Text, it's fast!

Deserialize anonymous type with System.Text.Json

As of .Net 5.0, deserialization of immutable types -- and thus anonymous types -- is supported by System.Text.Json. From How to use immutable types and non-public accessors with System.Text.Json:

System.Text.Json can use a parameterized constructor, which makes it possible to deserialize an immutable class or struct. For a class, if the only constructor is a parameterized one, that constructor will be used.

As anonymous types have exactly one constructor, they can now be deserialized successfully. To do so, define a helper method like so:

public static partial class JsonSerializerExtensions
public static T? DeserializeAnonymousType<T>(string json, T anonymousTypeObject, JsonSerializerOptions? options = default)
=> JsonSerializer.Deserialize<T>(json, options);

public static ValueTask<TValue?> DeserializeAnonymousTypeAsync<TValue>(Stream stream, TValue anonymousTypeObject, JsonSerializerOptions? options = default, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
=> JsonSerializer.DeserializeAsync<TValue>(stream, options, cancellationToken); // Method to deserialize from a stream added for completeness

And now you can do:

var token = JsonSerializerExtensions.DeserializeAnonymousType(jsonStr, new { token = "" }).token;

Demo fiddle here.

Deserializing json to anonymous object in c#

C# 4.0 adds dynamic objects that can be used. Have a look at this.

How do I deserialize an array of JSON objects to a C# anonymous type?

The solution is:

string json = @"[{'Name':'Mike'}, {'Name':'Ben'}, {'Name':'Razvigor'}]";

var definition = new[] { new { Name = "" } };

var result = JsonConvert.DeserializeAnonymousType(json, definition);

Of course, since result is an array, you'll access individual records like so:

string firstResult = result[0].Name;

You can also call .ToList() and similar methods on it.

Deserialize JSON to anonymous object in core

Based on your input xml and output json, you cannot directly convert to JSON. Here is one approach using LINQ to get desired object and Serialize using JsonConvert

var strFile = File.ReadAllText("XMLFile1.xml");

var grades = xdoc.Descendants("KEY")
.Where(x => x.Attribute("name").Value == "grades")
.Select(y => new Grades
Courseid = y.Descendants("KEY").Where(z => z.Attribute("name").Value == "courseid").Select(a => a.Element("VALUE").Value).FirstOrDefault(),
Grade = y.Descendants("KEY").Where(z => z.Attribute("name").Value == "grade").Select(a => a.Element("VALUE").Value).FirstOrDefault(),
Rawgrade = y.Descendants("KEY").Where(z => z.Attribute("name").Value == "rawgrade").Select(a => a.Element("VALUE").Value).FirstOrDefault(),
Rank = y.Descendants("KEY").Where(z => z.Attribute("name").Value == "rank").Select(a => a.Element("VALUE").Value).FirstOrDefault(),


Deserialize JSON object into dynamic object using

Json.NET allows us to do this:

dynamic d = JObject.Parse("{number:1000, str:'string', array: [1,2,3,4,5,6]}");




Documentation here: LINQ to JSON with Json.NET

See also JObject.Parse and JArray.Parse

Parse JSON into anonymous object[] using

you can deserialize by example, using an anonymous type like this:

string jsonString = "{name:\"me\",lastname:\"mylastname\"}";
var typeExample = new { name = "", lastname = "",data=new int[]{1,2,3} };
var result=JsonConvert.DeserializeAnonymousType(jsonString,typeExample);
int => 1);

Other way in Json.Net it's using a dynamic object like this:

dynamic result2=JObject.Parse(jsonString);

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