Loop Through All Controls of a Form, Even Those in Groupboxes

How to loop through all controls in a Windows Forms form or how to find if a particular control is a container control?

A simple recursive function should do it.

private void AddEvent(Control parentCtrl)
foreach (Control c in parentCtrl.Controls)
c.KeyDown += new KeyEventHandler(c_KeyDown);

How to iterate over windows forms controls

"The name 'text' does not exist in the current context".

text[i].Text you can only do this if text type implements IEnumerable

You can do this to enumerate over your controls

var labels = new List<Label> { label1, label2, label3};
var textBoxs = new List<TextBox> { text1, text2, text3};

for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++)
tcpCLient.ConnectAsync(textBoxs[i].Text, 80);
labels[i].Text = "Online";
catch (Exception)
labels[i].Text = "Offline";

loop over all textboxes in a form, including those inside a groupbox

You can use this function, linq might be a more elegant way.

Dim allTxt As New List(Of Control)
For Each txt As TextBox In FindControlRecursive(allTxt, Me, GetType(TextBox))

Public Shared Function FindControlRecursive(ByVal list As List(Of Control), ByVal parent As Control, ByVal ctrlType As System.Type) As List(Of Control)
If parent Is Nothing Then Return list
If parent.GetType Is ctrlType Then
End If
For Each child As Control In parent.Controls
FindControlRecursive(list, child, ctrlType)
Return list
End Function

Loop over every X control into a form even if it is nested

This is the exact answer to my question according to the accepted answer of this relevant question which user A Friend pointed on comments. First I have to place this Function into my Module:

Public Function FindControlRecursive(ByVal list As List(Of Control), ByVal parent As Control, ByVal ctrlType As System.Type) As List(Of Control)
If parent Is Nothing Then Return list
If parent.GetType Is ctrlType Then
End If
For Each child As Control In parent.Controls
FindControlRecursive(list, child, ctrlType)
Return list
End Function

And then edit my Public Sub like this:

Public Sub TxtBoxes_Cursors(sender, e)
Dim _FormSender = DirectCast(sender, MetroFramework.Forms.MetroForm)
Dim _MetroTextBoxes As New List(Of Control)
For Each _Textbox As MetroFramework.Controls.MetroTextBox In FindControlRecursive(_MetroTextBoxes, _FormSender, GetType(MetroFramework.Controls.MetroTextBox))
If _Textbox.HasChildren Then
For Each _ClearButton As Control In _Textbox.Controls
If _ClearButton.Name = "lnkClear" Then
_ClearButton.Cursor = System.Windows.Forms.Cursors.Hand
End If
End If
End Sub

C# iterate through the groupbox themselves

Is this what you want? Store the total per GroupBox into List GBtotal. Then you can get the total by summing them.

int Total;
List<int> GBTotal = new List<int>()
foreach(GroupBox gb in Controls.OfType<GroupBox>())
int temp = 0;
foreach(TextBox tb in gb.Controls.OfType<TextBox>())
int A1 = 0;
if(int.TryParse(tb.Text, out A1))
temp += A1;
Total = GBTotal.Sum();

You technically can use

Total = GBTotal[0] + GBTotal[1] + ....

Or use loop to get the total

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