The Type Arguments for Method Cannot Be Inferred from the Usage

The type arguments for method cannot be inferred from the usage

Get<S, T> takes two type arguments. When you call service.Get(new Signatur()); how does the compiler know what T is? You'll have to pass it explicitly or change something else about your type hierarchies. Passing it explicitly would look like:

service.Get<Signatur, bool>(new Signatur());

The type arguments for method … cannot be inferred from the usage. Try specifying the type arguments explicitly

Because you have defined the parameter of type object while the method MapIntToString has first parameter of type int. So the compiler is not able to figure out that the parameter passed to mapFunc for Map2 i.e object value is currently holding value of type int. Your code will be translated to something like below if we visualize it when will be resolved at run-time but at first place it is not compiling as it's not able to resolve the generic type From:

Map2<Object, String>(object value, Func<object, String> mapFunc) => mapFunc((object)value);

So, obviously this wouldn't work as your method expects parameter of type int not object.

You need to be explicit about the type parameters in this case as Compiler is not smart enough to know that the object value is currently holding value of type int in it.

The type arguments for method T cannot be inferred from the usage. Try specifying the type arguments explicitly

You can try specifying the type arguments explicitly. Like this:

var result = LinqFunctions.GroupBy<ProductsList.Product, int, string, KeyValuePair<int, IEnumerable<string>>>(...


Also it seems the call should be like this one:

var result = LinqFunctions.GroupBy(products,

so the source of error - providing wrong Func for resultSelector

The type arguments for methods cannot be inferred from the usage. Try specifying the type arguments explicitly

So you want to convert your DataTable to a list of objects of a certain type. Right?

The generic method infers the generic type T from the parameters only. Since you have no parameters of type T then you need to explicitly specify it. So when you write this line:

List<string> listNames = CustomerName.ConvertDataTableToList(dt);

The Compiler can't infer what that the type T you want is a string because it is only used in the return type. So you need to explicitly specify that:


However, since you specify the condition where T : new(), this means the generic type should have a parameterless constructor, string doesn't satisfy that. You're matching the row by name, so your only option is to modify the generic methods or create a class like this:

public class CustomerNameHolder
public string Name { set; get; }


List<string> listNames = CustomerName.ConvertDataTableToList<CustomerNameHolder>(dt)
.Select(x=> x.Name).ToList();

The type arguments for method cannot be inferred from the usage. Try specifying the type arguments specifically

You don't need TObject generic parameter in your BuildDictionary definition, because you already have T parameter on your class definition with the same meaning (that is - T is type of object in your repository). So change BuildDictionary like this:

public Dictionary<TKey, TValue> BuildDictionary<TKey, TValue>(
Expression<Func<T, TKey>> keyExp,
Expression<Func<T, TValue>> valueExp)

You can also remove TObject from GetValue, though this is not required:

private TType GetValue<TType>(Expression<Func<T, TType>> exp, T item)

Your current approach does not work because you have two different generic type parameters with the same meaning: T on class level and TObject on method level. Your _repo.GetAll() returns list of T, but method works with objects of type TObject which might be different.

The type arguments for method '' cannot be inferred from the usage. Try specifying the type arguments explicitly

In the Constructor<T>() method you expect a List<T> type but you provide an instance of IEnumerable<T>.

  • change the method parameter type to IEnumerable<T>
  • convert to query to List<T> type
IEnumerable<Colors> c =
.Where(t => t.ProductID == p.ProductID)
.SelectMany(s => s.Colors)

if (c.Any()) sp.color = Constructor(c);

private string Constructor<T>(IEnumerable<T> list)
//Do something

Lamda Link type arguments cannot be inferred from usage

How can I join an int column to an nullable int?

You need to make them the same type, otherwise the compiler won't be able to decide what TKey is supposed to be because there isn't an implicit conversion between AnonType<int, int> and AnonType<int?, int?> e.g. cast the non-nullable ints to be (int?) so they match

Join(_Context.Clients.Where(c => c.Key == Key),
a => new { AddressId = (int?)a.AddressId, ServerId = (int?)a.ServerId},
c => new { c.AddressId, c.ServerId},

You got away with it before because there was an implicit conversion from int to int? for the single key argument, but it would have similarly errored if you'd used anonymous types with a single prop in your join keys:

//this would fail too
Join(_Context.Clients.Where(c => c.Key == Key),
a => new { AddressId },
c => new { c.AddressId },

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