Cannot Implicitly Convert Type 'Int' to 'T'

Cannot implicitly convert type 'Int' to 'T'

Any time you find yourself switching on a type in a generic you are almost certainly doing something wrong. Generics should be generic; they should operate identically completely independent of the type.

If T can only be int or string then don't write your code this way at all in the first place. Write two methods, one that returns an int and one that returns a string.

Cannot implicitly convert type 'T' to 'Int'

you can try casting the value like this ...

t += (int)value; 


t+= Convert.ToInt32(value);

C# - Cannot implicitly convert type `int' to `int[][]' - CodeFights

Wrong call array. Try this(or something like):

int[][] result = new int[matrix.Length - 2][];
for(int i=0; i< matrix.Length - 2; i++)
result[i] = new int[matrix[0].Length - 2];

Cannot implicitly convert type to generic type when generic type is parent of type

The problem is that you're trying to put a BuildMenuEntry<Console, ConsoleData> inside an array of BuildMenuEntry<T, G>.

Here's a situation that will help understand the issue.

Your class BuildControl<T, G> is generic. Let's imagine we use it as a BuildControl<Car, CarData>. In this case, your method can be read like this:

protected override BuildMenuEntry<Car, CarData>[] GetBuildMenuEntries()
return new BuildMenuEntry<Car, CarData>[]

Now we can see that Consol.GetEntry returns a BuildMenuEntry<Console, ConsoleData>. You can't put a BuildMenuEntry<Console, ConsoleData> inside an array of BuildMenuEntry<Car, CarData> because Console isn't Car and ConsoleData isn't CarData.

What you put in the array of BuildMenuEntry<T, G> must be BuildMenuEntry<T, G> items, where T and G are still generics, not something concrete.

Checking if a List is Null before getting Count results in - Cannot implicitly convert type 'int?' to 'int

This is because the ? operator will return the value or null. And you can't assign null to int.

You have two options. First is to mark the int as nullable.
But in this case latter you will need to check if the int is null.

int? benchmarkAccountCount = portfolioWrapper.myBenchmarkMappings?.Count;

if (benchmarkAccountCount == null)
// null handling

The second option, which I think is better, you can user the null-coalescing operator ?? and give the benchmarkAccountCount a default value in case the list is null.

int benchmarkAccountCount = portfolioWrapper.myBenchmarkMappings?.Count ?? 0;

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