Linq Case Statement

linq case statement

If its just the CASE statement in LINQ your after (read your comment) then an example of this is...

Int32[] numbers = new Int32[] { 1, 2, 1, 3, 1, 5, 3, 1 };

var numberText =
from n in numbers
where n > 0
select new
Number = n,
Text =
n == 1 ? "One" :
n == 2 ? "Two" :
n == 3 ? "Three" : "Unknown"

How can I achieve SQL CASE statement from LINQ

You can use this if it suits you.
I would just explain the LINQ query part.
You can use this with EF. I created dummy data for these.
For EF, use IQueryable instead.

// from a row in first table
// join a row in second table
// on a.Criteria equal to b.Criteria
// where additional conditions
// select the records into these two fields called All and Range
// Convert the result set to list.
var query = (from a in lstCalc
join b in lstSampleSet
on a.SampleSetID equals b.ID where b.SampleDrawn >= DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-8)
&& b.Department == "Location A"
select new { All = 0, Range = Utilities.RangeProvider(a.Value) }).ToList();

EDIT : LINQ Query for grouped result.. Make sure you are using IQueryable.

 var query = (from a in lstCalc
join b in lstSampleSet
on a.SampleSetID equals b.ID where b.SampleDrawn >= DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-8)
&& b.Department == "Location A"
group a by Utilities.RangeProvider(a.Value) into groupedData
select new Result { All = groupedData.Sum(y => y.Value), Range =
groupedData.Key }).ToList();

Here is the code for the same.

 public class Program
public static void Main(string[] args) {
List<Calculation> lstCalc = new List<Calculation>();
lstCalc.Add(new Calculation() {SampleSetID=1, Value=10 });
lstCalc.Add(new Calculation() { SampleSetID = 1, Value = 10 });
lstCalc.Add(new Calculation() { SampleSetID = 2, Value = 20 });
lstCalc.Add(new Calculation() { SampleSetID = 3, Value = 30 });
lstCalc.Add(new Calculation() { SampleSetID = 4, Value = 40 });
lstCalc.Add(new Calculation() { SampleSetID = 5, Value = 50 });
lstCalc.Add(new Calculation() { SampleSetID = 6, Value = 60 });
lstCalc.Add(new Calculation() { SampleSetID = 7, Value = 70 });
lstCalc.Add(new Calculation() { SampleSetID = 8, Value = 80 });
lstCalc.Add(new Calculation() { SampleSetID = 9, Value = 90 });

List<SampleSet> lstSampleSet = new List<SampleSet>();
lstSampleSet.Add(new SampleSet() {Department = "Location A", ID=1, SampleDrawn=DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-5)});
lstSampleSet.Add(new SampleSet() { Department = "Location A", ID = 2, SampleDrawn = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-4) });
lstSampleSet.Add(new SampleSet() { Department = "Location A", ID = 3, SampleDrawn = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-3) });
lstSampleSet.Add(new SampleSet() { Department = "Location A", ID = 4, SampleDrawn = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-2) });
lstSampleSet.Add(new SampleSet() { Department = "Location A", ID = 5, SampleDrawn = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-2) });
lstSampleSet.Add(new SampleSet() { Department = "Location A", ID = 6, SampleDrawn = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-2) });
lstSampleSet.Add(new SampleSet() { Department = "Location A", ID = 7, SampleDrawn = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-1) });

var query = (from a in lstCalc
join b in lstSampleSet
on a.SampleSetID equals b.ID where b.SampleDrawn >= DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-8)
&& b.Department == "Location A"
select new { All = 0, Range = Utilities.RangeProvider(a.Value) }).ToList();




public class Utilities
public static string RangeProvider(int value)
if (value > 0 && value <= 25)
{ return "Low"; }
if (value > 25 && value <= 75)
{ return "Medium"; }
if (value > 75 && value <= 90)
{ return "High"; }
{ return "Very High"; }


public class Result {
public int All { get; set; }
public string Range { get; set; }

public class Calculation
public int SampleSetID { get; set; }
public int Value { get; set; }


public class SampleSet
public int ID { get; set; }
public DateTime SampleDrawn { get; set; }

public string Department { get; set; }


SQL to LINQ - Case Statement

Try using ternary operator for all cases in your ThenBy clause:

 .ThenBy(x => x.column3 == "X" 
? 1
: x.column3 == "Y"
? 2
: x.column3 == "Z"
? 3
: defaultOrder)

Linq Expression in Case Statement

If you query against a database, you can commit the query first and then apply the compiled e1:

  var e1Compiled = Expression.Lambda<Func<MyTbl,bool>>(e1, peTbl).Compile();
var query = myTbl
.Select(s => new { mytbl = s, mycase = (e1Compiled(s) ? 1 : 0) });

if there is no database, just use the compiled e1:

  var query = myTbl
.Select(s => new { mytbl = s, mycase = (e1Compiled(s) ? 1 : 0) });

LINQ Case statement with COUNT and GROUP

Well, you'd need to look at the generated SQL, but the filtering and grouping parts are simple - it's only the counting bit that's particularly tricky. You can probably do that within the projection of the group:

var start = new DateTime(2016, 1, 1);
var end = new DateTime(2016, 10, 1);
var query = from labCase in db.LabCase
where labCase.Seq != null &&
labCase.DateServ >= start &&
labCase.DateServ <= end
group labCase by labCase.DistCode into g
select new
DistCode = g.Key,
CountId1 = g.Count(x => x.LabId == 1),
CountId2 = g.Count(x => x.LabId == 2),
CountId3 = g.Count(x => x.LabId == 3)

Select case in LINQ

Maybe this works:

from u in users
let range = (u.Age >= 0 && u.Age < 10 ? "0-25" :
u.Age >= 10 && u.Age < 15 ? "26-40" :
u.Age >= 15 && u.Age < 50 ? "60-100" :
group u by range into g
select new { g.Key, Count=g.Count() };

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