Finding All Positions of Substring in a Larger String in C#

Finding all positions of substring in a larger string in C#

Here's an example extension method for it:

public static List<int> AllIndexesOf(this string str, string value) {
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
throw new ArgumentException("the string to find may not be empty", "value");
List<int> indexes = new List<int>();
for (int index = 0;; index += value.Length) {
index = str.IndexOf(value, index);
if (index == -1)
return indexes;

If you put this into a static class and import the namespace with using, it appears as a method on any string, and you can just do:

List<int> indexes = "fooStringfooBar".AllIndexesOf("foo");

For more information on extension methods,

Also the same using an iterator:

public static IEnumerable<int> AllIndexesOf(this string str, string value) {
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
throw new ArgumentException("the string to find may not be empty", "value");
for (int index = 0;; index += value.Length) {
index = str.IndexOf(value, index);
if (index == -1)
yield return index;

C# - Finding All Indices of a Substring

Remove the += in front of position

   position = userString.IndexOf(userSubString, position);

Also you should change your code to save the initial found position and set the position variable to search after the previous one

    // Initial check...
position = userString.IndexOf(userSubString);
if(position == -1)
Console.WriteLine("Your sub-string was not found in your string.\n");
// Save the found position and enter the loop
subStringPositions = Convert.ToString(position) + ", ";

while (position < userString.Length)
// Search restart from the character after the previous found substring
position = userString.IndexOf(userSubString, position + 1);
subStringPositions += Convert.ToString(position) + ", ";

As a final note, if this search produces many hits it is better to change the string concatenation using a StringBuilder class instance

    StringBuilder subStringPositions = new StringBuilder();
subStringPositions.Append(Convert.ToString(position) + ", ");

while (position < userString.Length)
// Search restart from the character after the previous found substring
position = userString.IndexOf(userSubString, position + 1);
subStringPositions.Append(Convert.ToString(position) + ", ";
Console.WriteLine("The occurrence(s) for your sub-string are: " +
subStringPositions.ToString() + "\n\n");

How to find one of many possible substrings in a larger string?

You will find more problems with EDI than just splitting into corresponding fields, what about conditions or multiple values or lists?. I recommend you to take a look at

EDIFact is a format pretty complex to just use regex, as I mentioned before, you will have conditions for each format/field/process, you will need to catch the whole field in order to really parse it, means as example DTM can have one specific datetime format and in another EDI can have a DateTime format totally different.

However, this is the structure of a DTM field:


Function: To specify date, and/or time, or period.

2005 Date or time or period function code
qualifier M an..3
2380 Date or time or period text C an..35
2379 Date or time or period format code C an..3

So you will have always something like 'DTM+d3:d35:d3' to search for.

Really, it doesn't worth the struggle, use, create your own POCO classes and work from there.

Friendly reminder that EDIFact changes every 6 months on Europe.

More efficient way to get all indexes of a character in a string

You can use String.IndexOf, see example below:

    string s = "abcabcabcabcabc";
var foundIndexes = new List<int>();

long t1 = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
for (int i = s.IndexOf('a'); i > -1; i = s.IndexOf('a', i + 1))
// for loop end when i=-1 ('a' not found)
long t2 = DateTime.Now.Ticks - t1; // read this value to see the run time

Get index of the first character of substring in a string in C#

You could use an extension method like this which uses the overload of String.IndexOf which supports a start index. The StringComparison can be used to compare case insensitively:

public static IList<int> AllIndexOf(this string text, string str, StringComparison comparisonType = StringComparison.CurrentCulture)
IList<int> allIndexes = new List<int>();
int index = text.IndexOf(str, comparisonType);
while (index != -1)
index = text.IndexOf(str, index + str.Length, comparisonType);
return allIndexes;

Then it's easy:

string str = "xx INC FFFFFFFF xx DE RRRRRR";
IEnumerable<int> allIndexes = str.AllIndexOf("xx", StringComparison.InvariantCulture); // 0 and 16

Quick (sub)string search in large set of data

I created a bit of a hybrid based on a suffix array / dictionary. Thanks to saibot for suggesting it first and all other people helping and suggesting.

This is what I came up with:

public class CitiesCollection
private Dictionary<int, City> _cities;
private SuffixDict<int> _suffixdict;

public CitiesCollection(IEnumerable<City> cities, int minLen)
_cities = cities.ToDictionary(c => c.Id);
_suffixdict = new SuffixDict<int>(minLen, _cities.Values.Count);
foreach (var c in _cities.Values)
_suffixdict.Add(c.Name, c.Id);

public IEnumerable<City> Find(string find)
var normalizedFind = _suffixdict.NormalizeString(find);
foreach (var id in _suffixdict.Get(normalizedFind).Where(v => _cities[v].Name.IndexOf(normalizedFind, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) >= 0))
yield return _cities[id];

public class SuffixDict<T>
private readonly int _suffixsize;
private ConcurrentDictionary<string, IList<T>> _dict;

public SuffixDict(int suffixSize, int capacity)
_suffixsize = suffixSize;
_dict = new ConcurrentDictionary<string, IList<T>>(Environment.ProcessorCount, capacity);

public void Add(string suffix, T value)
foreach (var s in GetSuffixes(suffix))
AddDict(s, value);

public IEnumerable<T> Get(string suffix)
return Find(suffix).Distinct();

private IEnumerable<T> Find(string suffix)
foreach (var s in GetSuffixes(suffix))
if (_dict.TryGetValue(s, out var result))
foreach (var i in result)
yield return i;

public string NormalizeString(string value)
return value.Normalize().ToLowerInvariant();

private void AddDict(string suffix, T value)
_dict.AddOrUpdate(suffix, (s) => new List<T>() { value }, (k, v) => { v.Add(value); return v; });

private IEnumerable<string> GetSuffixes(string value)
var nv = NormalizeString(value);
for (var i = 0; i <= nv.Length - _suffixsize ; i++)
yield return nv.Substring(i, _suffixsize);

Usage (where I assume mycities to be an IEnumerable<City> with the given City object from the question):

var cc = new CitiesCollection(mycities, 3);
var results = cc.Find("york");

Some results:

Find: sterda elapsed: 00:00:00.0220522 results: 32
Find: york elapsed: 00:00:00.0006212 results: 155
Find: dorf elapsed: 00:00:00.0086439 results: 6095

Memory usage is very, very acceptable. Only 650MB total having the entire collection of 3,000,000 cities in memory.

In the above I'm storing Id's in the "SuffixDict" and I have a level of indirection (dictionary lookups to find id=>city). This can be further simplified to:

public class CitiesCollection
private SuffixDict<City> _suffixdict;

public CitiesCollection(IEnumerable<City> cities, int minLen, int capacity = 1000)
_suffixdict = new SuffixDict<City>(minLen, capacity);
foreach (var c in cities)
_suffixdict.Add(c.Name, c);

public IEnumerable<City> Find(string find, StringComparison stringComparison = StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
var normalizedFind = SuffixDict<City>.NormalizeString(find);
var x = _suffixdict.Find(normalizedFind).ToArray();
foreach (var city in _suffixdict.Find(normalizedFind).Where(v => v.Name.IndexOf(normalizedFind, stringComparison) >= 0))
yield return city;

public class SuffixDict<T>
private readonly int _suffixsize;
private ConcurrentDictionary<string, IList<T>> _dict;

public SuffixDict(int suffixSize, int capacity = 1000)
_suffixsize = suffixSize;
_dict = new ConcurrentDictionary<string, IList<T>>(Environment.ProcessorCount, capacity);

public void Add(string suffix, T value)
foreach (var s in GetSuffixes(suffix, _suffixsize))
AddDict(s, value);

public IEnumerable<T> Find(string suffix)
var normalizedfind = NormalizeString(suffix);
var find = normalizedfind.Substring(0, Math.Min(normalizedfind.Length, _suffixsize));

if (_dict.TryGetValue(find, out var result))
foreach (var i in result)
yield return i;

private void AddDict(string suffix, T value)
_dict.AddOrUpdate(suffix, (s) => new List<T>() { value }, (k, v) => { v.Add(value); return v; });

public static string NormalizeString(string value)
return value.Normalize().ToLowerInvariant();

private static IEnumerable<string> GetSuffixes(string value, int suffixSize)
var nv = NormalizeString(value);
if (value.Length < suffixSize)
yield return nv;
for (var i = 0; i <= nv.Length - suffixSize; i++)
yield return nv.Substring(i, suffixSize);

This bumps the load time up from 00:00:16.3899085 to 00:00:25.6113214, memory usage goes down from 650MB to 486MB. Lookups/searches perform a bit better since we have one less level of indirection.

Find: sterda elapsed: 00:00:00.0168616 results: 32
Find: york elapsed: 00:00:00.0003945 results: 155
Find: dorf elapsed: 00:00:00.0062015 results: 6095

I'm happy with the results so far. I'll do a little polishing and refactoring and call it a day! Thanks everybody for the help!

And this is how it performs with 2,972,036 cities:


This has evolved into a case-insensitive, accent-insensitive search by modifying the code to this:

public static class ExtensionMethods
public static T FirstOrDefault<T>(this IEnumerable<T> src, Func<T, bool> testFn, T defval)
return src.Where(aT => testFn(aT)).DefaultIfEmpty(defval).First();

public static int IndexOf(this string source, string match, IEqualityComparer<string> sc)
return Enumerable.Range(0, source.Length) // for each position in the string
.FirstOrDefault(i => // find the first position where either
// match is Equals at this position for length of match (or to end of string) or
sc.Equals(source.Substring(i, Math.Min(match.Length, source.Length - i)), match) ||
// match is Equals to on of the substrings beginning at this position
Enumerable.Range(1, source.Length - i - 1).Any(ml => sc.Equals(source.Substring(i, ml), match)),
-1 // else return -1 if no position matches

public class CaseAccentInsensitiveEqualityComparer : IEqualityComparer<string>
private static readonly CompareOptions _compareoptions = CompareOptions.IgnoreCase | CompareOptions.IgnoreNonSpace | CompareOptions.IgnoreKanaType | CompareOptions.IgnoreWidth | CompareOptions.IgnoreSymbols;
private static readonly CultureInfo _cultureinfo = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;
public bool Equals(string x, string y)
return string.Compare(x, y, _cultureinfo, _compareoptions) == 0;

public int GetHashCode(string obj)
return obj != null ? RemoveDiacritics(obj).ToUpperInvariant().GetHashCode() : 0;

private string RemoveDiacritics(string text)
return string.Concat(
.Where(ch => CharUnicodeInfo.GetUnicodeCategory(ch) != UnicodeCategory.NonSpacingMark)

public class CitiesCollection
private SuffixDict<City> _suffixdict;
private HashSet<string> _countries;
private Dictionary<int, City> _cities;
private readonly IEqualityComparer<string> _comparer = new CaseAccentInsensitiveEqualityComparer();

public CitiesCollection(IEnumerable<City> cities, int minLen, int capacity = 1000)
_suffixdict = new SuffixDict<City>(minLen, _comparer, capacity);
_countries = new HashSet<string>();
_cities = new Dictionary<int, City>(capacity);
foreach (var c in cities)
_suffixdict.Add(c.Name, c);
_cities.Add(c.Id, c);

public City this[int index] => _cities[index];

public IEnumerable<string> Countries => _countries;

public IEnumerable<City> Find(string find, StringComparison stringComparison = StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
foreach (var city in _suffixdict.Find(find).Where(v => v.Name.IndexOf(find, _comparer) >= 0))
yield return city;

public class SuffixDict<T>
private readonly int _suffixsize;
private ConcurrentDictionary<string, IList<T>> _dict;

public SuffixDict(int suffixSize, IEqualityComparer<string> stringComparer, int capacity = 1000)
_suffixsize = suffixSize;
_dict = new ConcurrentDictionary<string, IList<T>>(Environment.ProcessorCount, capacity, stringComparer);

public void Add(string suffix, T value)
foreach (var s in GetSuffixes(suffix, _suffixsize))
AddDict(s, value);

public IEnumerable<T> Find(string suffix)
var find = suffix.Substring(0, Math.Min(suffix.Length, _suffixsize));

if (_dict.TryGetValue(find, out var result))
foreach (var i in result)
yield return i;

private void AddDict(string suffix, T value)
_dict.AddOrUpdate(suffix, (s) => new List<T>() { value }, (k, v) => { v.Add(value); return v; });

private static IEnumerable<string> GetSuffixes(string value, int suffixSize)
if (value.Length < 2)
yield return value;
for (var i = 0; i <= value.Length - suffixSize; i++)
yield return value.Substring(i, suffixSize);

With credit also to Netmage and Mitsugui. There are still some issues / edge-cases but it's continually improving!

How to count of sub-string occurrences?

Regex.Matches(input, "OU=").Count

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