If Statements Matching Multiple Values

if statements matching multiple values

How about:

if (new[] {1, 2}.Contains(value))

It's a hack though :)

Or if you don't mind creating your own extension method, you can create the following:

public static bool In<T>(this T obj, params T[] args)
return args.Contains(obj);

And you can use it like this:

if (1.In(1, 2))


Typescript If statement with multiple value matches for the same variable

Syntactically, you can use switch instead of if to test for multiple values using repeating cases:

switch (x) {
case 5:
case "":
case undefined:
// do something

But this is rarely done.

To programatically test for multiple values, you can put the values in an array and check that it includes your argument value using indexOf:

if ([5, "", undefined].indexOf(x) >= 0) {

Note that this will create the values array each time, so if this check repeats you might want to create the array once, elsewhere, and reuse it.

const values = [5, "", undefined];

// elsewhere
if (values.indexOf(x) >= 0) {

In fact, if the number of values to test is large, you might want to put them in a Set and check that it has them, as this is faster than testing against an array:

const values = new Set(5, "", undefined);

// elsewhere
if (values.has(x)) {

JAVASCRIPT How to equal an if value for two or multiple values?

function confirm() {

var x = document.formname.name.value;

if (x == "") {

alert("You need to fill here!");

return false;

} else if (x == "Lisa" || x == "value2" || x == "value3") {

alert("You can't enter here");

return false;

} else {


return false;


<form name="formname" action="send.php" method="post" onsubmit="return confirm();">

Type your name : <input type="text" name="name"><br>

<input type="submit" value="Send">


Difference between if statement multiple condition and matching multiple values

if (Result.Key == Result.Value == false)
//Do Other Work

this is the same as

if ((Result.Key == Result.Value) == false)
//Do Other Work

which is the same as

if (Result.Key != Result.Value)
//Do Other Work

Unless i got confused and (Result.Key == Result.Value == false) is actually the same as (Result.Key == (Result.Value == false)), which in this case still is Result.Key != Result.Value. It's confusing, so please never ever chain equality operators. It won't work the way you expect it to.

You can look up the rules in great detail here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/126fe14k.aspx

Test for multiple values in an if statement in C#

Try this:

if ((new[]{1, 2, 5, 13, 14}).Contains(x)) ...

Multiple value for if-statement

This has worked for me:

if (valueList.Any(x => searchx.Contains(x)))

or even shorter (thanks to rajeeshmenoth)


PowerShell If Statements: IF equals multiple specific Texts

Looks like you're trying to create the directories if your user chooses one of 3 text phrases and the directory doesn't already exist, and complain to your user if they choose something other than the 3 text phrases. I would treat each of those cases separately:

$text = [Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction]::InputBox($msg, $title,"")
$AcceptableText = @("Specific Text1","Specific Text2","Specific Text3")
If ($text -in $AcceptableText)
If (!(Test-Path $Path\$text))
new-item -ItemType directory -path $Path\$text
write-host "invalid input"

Or you could test for the existence of the directory first like this:

$text = [Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction]::InputBox($msg, $title,"")
$AcceptableText = @("Specific Text1","Specific Text2","Specific Text3")
If (!(Test-Path $Path\$text))
If (($text -in $AcceptableText))
new-item -ItemType directory -path $Path\$text
write-host "invalid input"

EDIT: Or, if you want to be tricky and avoid the Test-Path (as suggested by @tommymaynard), you can use the following code (and even eliminate the Try|Catch wrappers if you don't want error checking)

$text = [Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction]::InputBox($msg, $title,"")
$AcceptableText = @("Specific Text1","Specific Text2","Specific Text3")
If (($text -in $AcceptableText))
try { mkdir -path $Path\$text -ErrorAction Stop } #Change to -ErrorAction Ignore if you remove Try|Catch
catch [System.IO.IOException] { } #Do nothing if directory exists
catch { Write-Error $_ }
write-host "invalid input"

EDIT: Also worth noting that there are many ways to Use PowerShell to Create Folders

Some nice, clean examples. Hope this helps.

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