How to Get a Property Value Based on the Name

How to get a property value based on the name

return car.GetType().GetProperty(propertyName).GetValue(car, null);

Get property value from string using reflection

 public static object GetPropValue(object src, string propName)
return src.GetType().GetProperty(propName).GetValue(src, null);

Of course, you will want to add validation and whatnot, but that is the gist of it.

Best way to assign property value dynamically based on the property name

I think that your basic intent is to set the value of a property on a target object based on the property name. Since you did not provide the Argument class I will assume it is defined like this:

public class Argument
public string PropertyName{get; set;}
public object PropertyValue{get;set;}

Further assume you have the class Blah defined like this:

public class Blah
public string AString{get; set;}
public int AnInt{get; set;}
public DirectoryInfo ADirInfo{get; set;}

If you wish to assign to the properties of a Blah object based on the values in List<Argument> you can do so like this:

List<Argument> arguments = new List<Argument>
new Argument(){PropertyName = "AString", PropertyValue = "this is a string"},
new Argument(){PropertyName = "AnInt", PropertyValue = 1729},
new Argument(){PropertyName = "ADirInfo", PropertyValue = new DirectoryInfo(@"c:\logs")}

Blah b = new Blah();
Type blahType = b.GetType();
foreach(Argument arg in arguments)
PropertyInfo prop = blahType.GetProperty(arg.PropertyName);
// If prop == null then GetProperty() couldn't find a property by that name. Either it doesn't exist, it's not public, or it's defined on a parent class
if(prop != null)
prop.SetValue(b, arg.PropertyValue);

This depends on the objects stored in Argument.PropertyValue having the same type as the property of Blah referred to by Argument.PropertyName (or there must be an implicit type conversion available). For example, if you alter the List<Argument> as follows:

List<Argument> arguments = new List<Argument>
new Argument(){PropertyName = "AString", PropertyValue = "this is a string"},
new Argument(){PropertyName = "AnInt", PropertyValue = 1729},
new Argument(){PropertyName = "ADirInfo", PropertyValue = "foo"}

you will now get an exception when attempting to assign to Blah.ADirInfo: Object of type 'System.String' cannot be converted to type 'System.IO.DirectoryInfo'

Java get property value by property name

You can use some of the Libraries that offer property-based access. I think the most known and used is beanutils. You can find one good example of the beanutils "in action" here.
Some sample code:

A someBean = new A();

// access properties as Map
Map<String, Object> properties = BeanUtils.describe(someBean);
BeanUtils.populate(someBean, properties);

// access individual properties
String oldname = BeanUtils.getProperty(someBean,"name");

How to get an object's property's value by property name?


write-host ($obj | Select -ExpandProperty "SomeProp")

Or for that matter:


How to get property name and its value?

foreach (PropertyInfo pi in t.GetProperties())
myDict[pi.Name] = pi.GetValue(data,null)?.ToString();


Set property value using property name

You can try something like this

List<KeyValuePair<string, object>> _lObjects = GetObjectsList(); 
var class1 = new Class1();
var class1Type = typeof(class1);
foreach(KeyValuePair<string, object> _pair in _lObjects)
//class have this static property name stored in _pair.Key
class1Type.GetProperty(_pair.Key).SetValue(class1, _pair.Value);

How can i get the name of property and value from object and pass this name and value to a list in c#

You need to use reflection, but not sure if you should do it :)

public void Foo()
var book = new BookVM() { AuthorIds = 1, AuthorName = "some name", CoverUrl = "some cover url" };
var result = GetParameters(book);
new ParametersList { Name = nameof(BookVM.AuthorIds), Value = 1 },
new ParametersList() { Name = nameof(BookVM.AuthorName), Value = "some name" },
new ParametersList { Name = nameof(BookVM.CoverUrl), Value = "some cover url" }

private static List<ParametersList> GetParameters(BookVM book)
return typeof(BookVM).GetProperties().Select(p => new ParametersList
Name = p.Name, Value = p.GetValue(book)

Property Name and need its value

I am making the assumption that you have the name of the property in runtime; not while coding...

Let's assume your class is called TheClass and it has a property called TheProperty:

object GetThePropertyValue(object instance)
Type type = instance.GetType();
PropertyInfo propertyInfo = type.GetProperty("TheProperty");
return propertyInfo.GetValue(instance, null);

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