How to Write Data to a Text File Without Overwriting the Current Data

Write to text file without overwriting in Java

Just change PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(log); to

PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(log, true));

Add new data to a text file without overwriting it in python

Open the file before the loop starts. Every time you open the file for writing, it creates a new file (it deletes whatever is in it).

with open("Monarchs Output.txt", "w") as text_file:
turn = 1
while turn < times:
dip1 = randint(1,4)
dip2 = randint(1,4)
dip = (dip1 + dip2) - 2

adm1 = randint(1,4)
adm2 = randint(1,4)
adm = (adm1 + adm2) - 2

mil1 = randint(1,4)
mil2 = randint(1,4)
mil = (mil1 + mil2) - 2

print("Monarch{}, adm: {}, dip: {}, mil: {}\n".format(turn, adm, dip, mil), file=text_file)

turn = turn + 1

How to write to a file without overwriting current contents?

Instead of "w" use "a" (append) mode with open function:

with open("games.txt", "a") as text_file:

How to add data to a file without overwriting previous data

In serialization stream use:


If you only Open or only Create you'll overwrite it.

Think about the fact if you append info in a file, you have to know how to read the data correctly, found where every append starts, etc... if you need it.

One more question, why are not using "using clauses"?


public static void SerializeSignUpDetails(string userName, string password)
Users obj = new Users(userName, password);
IFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter();
Stream stream = new FileStream("SignUp.txt", FileMode.Append, FileAccess.Write); //here is the point. you can use File.Append or File.Open static methods.
formatter.Serialize(stream, obj);

How to write data to a text file without overwriting the current data

Pass true as the append parameter of the constructor:

TextWriter tsw = new StreamWriter(@"C:\Hello.txt", true);

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